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Posts posted by dasman989

  1. 1 you should have posted this in the small questions thread.

    2 I don't see anything glaringly wrong with them so if they are fake they are pretty good. They're probably real.

    3 why are you buying them. If you're goin to do evisu raw denim, go with the heritage stuff thats all made in japan.

  2. I'll take any shrinkage. They've been in the tub in a hot water soak for the last 90 minutes. I'll give it another 30 then I'll throw it in the dryer with a couple of towels. What dryer setting should I use?

    let them drip dry. you'll will lose a lot of color if you put them in sthe dryer.

  3. i am comfortable saying that sugar cane washes are horrible across the board

    strange since buzz rickson washes are incredible


    nice pick up, lowrider

    points for being adventurous


    the hard wash okinawas are one the best hard washes i've ever seen. used to be really good pictures of it on amazon but i can't find them anymore. The hard wash on the okis sold me on getting a raw pair. that and the python patch..

  4. how many of your RMC's and evisu are real? How many are shit fakes you bought of ebay? no offense but either you're full of shit or you have a bunch of fake garbage or your parents spoil you with stupid amounts of money. cause if they're real that's 30 grand easy

  5. Hey, I have about 70 pairs of jeans, almost all of it them being either RMC or Evisu. What should I get? The nicest pair I have is the hank dyed evisus. And I have a PBJ A001 but they shrank too much. I dont really have much of a budget so please suuggest whatever. I really do liek jumpy styles. but I thinkI might want to tone it down a little. Somthing that people my age can deal with.


    buy these... they will make you cool

    ultrapremium chinese selvage with.... DRAGONS!!!!!


  6. as far as i have been able to tell, hank dying leads to a core dyed yarn (yarn that is dyed all the way throung rather than indigo on top/white in the middle). This is based on me hank dying my own yarn and examining hank dyed jeans. Like tweedles said, there are a lot of very different looking hank dyed jeans out there. Not all of them have this patchy look. (SC 40400 for example) The streaky look i've been talking about is definitely a result of the weave. Trust me, i have the KMW-awa's

    here -


    So I don't know what the weave is called or how exactly its done. It looks like they've altered the tension on the warp threads but I can't figure out how to vary the tension in a way that would result in what this denim looks like.

  7. thanks for the input good and bad.... i've been thinking about everything and here is my response.... First and formost i'm a denim head right now so that is defineitely determing a lot of my style. I reallly don't know if i would go through the trouble of breaking a another jacket but i already made the decision and i'm trying to live with it. Second, i live in baltimore which the most style backward sorry excuse for a city.... that being said i like to have fun with what i wear. mash up styles , play around with shit and have fun with it. Mostly cause it doesn't matter and i have the personality and "swagger" to get away with almost anything. Or at least i'm good at pretending those things. Like the chanel glasses. , chanel only makes womens sunglasses. Kinda like the kid that was wearing the double c chanel earings at the party.... I was just thinking back to the day of the party. Earlier that day i was weaing my rrds, frye boots and that same hoody pulled up with my chanel glasses., while i was shopping in hayes valley. A bombshell milf that was working in one of the boutiques there stopped me and told me she loved my look. Also, before this pic made it to this side it got a couple good comments on the main thread so I guess i'm doing something right? I don't even know what i'm getting at anymore. my 2 cents

  8. i can take that..... i'm working on breaking a denim jacket so i'm kinda devoted to wearing it despite the whole too much denim thing..... shoes are gray and navy air force ones. the glasses welll they is what they is and thats kinda why i like them. Just cause their over the top and a little gaudy.

  9. waywt128200720006pmcr1.jpg

    i want some more input on this one. i figure if one guy put this here and no one else commented on it then it's it's just one guy's opinion. However if it's that horrible and my style is shit then i have to know. thanx

  10. i figured that was probably the difference. I'm just trying to figure out what's up with the weave. It gives the jeans that streaky look beacuase the tightnes of the weave varies in each little "patch". The whiter bits are an area of tight woven denim while the darker patches are a lot looser so more warp thread sits above the surface of the fabric. It looks almost "sloppy" but in a very controlled manner. I can't wait to see how they fade. I'm guessing the darker patches will fade more quickly as they ar higher above the lighter patches (therefore more exposed to abrasion). Someone needs to buy them....

  11. Anybody post these up yet?


    Limited Edition 10th Anniversary Eternals... 18 oz. Straight Cut, from what Google Translator tells me. Looks preeeeetty.

    does anyone know anything about the highly irregular weave pattern on those? They look exactly like the samaurai - ai's and the kmw awa's. and they are really cheap.... (comparitiveley anyway)

  12. I'm only 17 years old and have no credit card. I use to have a job from November - December 06 and the money I got from that only payed for the christmas presents I bought everyone. My mother gives me lunch money and I don't eat I just save it so I can accumulate money to buy jeans. I've bought at least 8 pairs of denim since November with jeans pricing from 180 to 320. Am I addicted?

    ahh... the age old sacrifice food too buy clothes trick...my girlfriend is a long time believer in this stratagem. Loose weight and have cool new expensive shit. a double win. addiction or crafty life skills... who's to judge???

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