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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. well you may feel lucky to have that luxury, other people on the other hand, may only get to go shopping once a week with their work schedule, and they buy alot, and lots of different things, and sometimes these are feeble people who cannot lift much at once, you need to look at everyone not just yourself and how you want YOUR grocerys... The easiest way for this, is to just tell the person who is bagging your groceries/checking you out of the store exactly how you want them packed, it will make you more satisfied, and their job easier...

    aren't you an angry little kitten? I've got tiny arms, mate, for the record. people buy too much, at the end of the day. consumerism is out of control, especially in america.

  2. When you are a cashier at a supermarket, you should see the variety of complaints you get about packing...

    When I worked in one for 2 years, old people would complain bags are too heavy if I didn't pack them like that, I always gave the person an option to pack the bags themself, every single person wants their things packed differently, so while what that person was doing was an extreme case, there are also reasons people pack certain ways.

    If someone buys 2 bottles of soda, ice cream, yogurt, Windex, and cereal...

    Keep the soda together in one plastic bag (plastic bags are weak, and it is a pain if people have to walk a big distance or up stairs, they want less in each bag because it is easier for them)

    Ice cream and yogurt in another (because they are cold items, keeping each other cold)

    Cereal in its own bag, because it doesn't group into other bags

    Windex in its own bag, because you don't put cleaning products with food

    Cashiering is such a pain, glad I have a real job now

    that's utterly retarded. I just don't buy more than i can carry in my own arms or fit in my own bag. then again I don't shop at supermarkets unless it's vital.

  3. Best place for Vietnamese Coffee in London is The community kitchen on

    Englefield road, N1.

    best place for tea? I've got a hankering for a nice tea house where I can spend the whole day doing nothing. Like the non-alcohol version of cafe1001.

  4. glade festival in the uk.

    have a coke and champagne party in a five star hotel.

    make a list of fifty weird places to have sex and do it in one year. or make it a yearly competition with friends.

    get into a fight and get beaten.

    get into a fight and win.

    do something life changing for a complete stranger and expect nothing back.

    see the aurora borealis

    the list kind of goes on and on and on

  5. well, its not really rape if you dont remember saying no

    according to law reformations, now rape is any situation where the victim in no way gave any consent and the attacker can not prove that consent was given, as opposed to the previous version where the victim had to prove that he/she specifically denied consent.

    just educating.

  6. ^ sedx, seriously, how was he meant to know that? being overly sensitive on the internet just doesn't wash.

    london tattoo convention is coming up, I'm excited. finally get my phoenix finished which means I can get started on my chest piece. woop.

  7. yeah, it's always horrible when you think your friends are fucking with you, and then you realise that you probably actually did it.

    a few weeks back i had my drink spiked at a bar, my best friend said she had to drag my arse outside to the car, throw me in the back, take me to hospital where i threw up outside.

    then they refused to see me because i was drunk and they didn't believe that i'd been spiked, at which point i fell out of the wheelchair and rolled around on the floor, then when she got me back to her house i started freaking out (in a semi conscious way) and it took her almost an hour to calm me down and simultaneously keep my head over the toilet.

    i woke up on her bedroom floor with no memory from one am up until i opened my eyes.

    fucking scary shit. i'm just glad she was there to look after me.

  8. DAMN Sera gettin' buck. What was the background on that story?

    ahh, it was before i got all zen and whatnot.

    i was sixteen and in a pub with some friends, apparently she made some comment about getting my boyfriend into bed, and i just straight up punched her in the face. she hit the deck and i only found out about it the next day.

  9. actually, the first one would work really well with some abstract-cut black dress, but going on what i've seen of your (jj's) waywts, i'd say the second one would look better on you. if that makes sense?

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