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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. will the bitemarks be something I'll expect?

    I'd rather have fresh unbruised fruit before I chow down thank you.

    if you're good enough, the bite marks should be your own work.

  2. a bear suit, neon hi tops and a new era.

    jane, I will once I can find the upload cable for my camera. though they need repairing, I've worn holes in the soles and they're covered in spilt drinks and grime from various parties.. I shouldn't be allowed nice things.

  3. this is so pathetic. imbecilic rants on a fashion forum are hardly furthering the cause for equality. if anything, all that's happened is now a whole new group of people have screwed up ideas of what constitutes feminsim because of one, misinformed, angry, idiot.

    can you let it go so we can go back to talking about what people are wearing?

  4. i quite like her dance.. it seems real, unrehersed, like what me or any non dancer would / could do.. although i would be wearing boots not flipflops

    agreed, I never said I didn't like it, just that there are better. I never understood why american girls do the head-swinging-hair-flicking thing.


  5. watched death proof last night

    saw the whole grindhouse feature at the prince charles cinema a few days ago. three hours of gore, violence and half naked girls. one of the best fivers I've ever spent. everyone erupted into applause at the end of deathproof. the entire theatre had a great party vibe.

    i hear they're actually going to make machete, awesome.

  6. people who plan to vote for Boris because 'London needs a change'

    the girl on my shakespeare course who said 'pacifically' instead of specifically.

    drunk middle aged men in pubs. drunk middle aged men in pubs who excuse their behaviour with the phrase 'oh don't worry, i'm married'. i don't fucking care if you've got twelve wives, you're still not welcome.

  7. my student loan just came through, so new ink is on the horizon. either getting just behind my left ear done, or my wrists. good to see some new pictures up here

  8. My basic reading list right now:

    + À rebours - Joris Karl Huysmans

    + Fleurs du Mal - Baudelaire

    + The Dharma Bums - Kerouac

    + The Woman Destroyed - Simone de Beauvoir

    + Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries - Tristan Tzara

    + Shakespeare's Late Style - Russ McDonald

    + The Art of Rhetoric - Aristotle

    + Monsieur Shoushana's Lemon Trees - Patricia Duncker

    + Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates

    + Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas R. Hofstadter

    + Four Archetypes - Carl Jung

    + Mademoiselle De Maupin - Theophile Gautier

    + Collected Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges

    + The Age of Wire and String - Ben Marcus

    + Rock Springs - Richard Ford

    + House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski

    + Digital Leatherette - Steve Beard

    + (Debug.): Primary Techno Noir - Kenji Siratori

    + Meeting the Shadow: Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature - Connie Zweig

    a couple are for university, but the majority are just whims.

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