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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. use the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search functionuse the search function

  2. they were fighting over who gets the last copy of "pacifism for dummies" werent they.

    haha :) all I heard was a lot of 'wot you sayin' bruv?' type london mouthing off, then two lads in baggy duffle coats and nike shoes fell through a doorway onto the floor.

    I'm going to the student union bar in fifteen minutes and I plan to stay there all fucking day.

    oh, and according to wiki, my english home town is 98.8% British White, which technically means back in St Helen's I'd count as an ethnic minority. Weird.

  3. a fight just broke out in the library, about ten feet away from me. what the fuck is up with the world? is nothing sacred?

    they should ban people with low IQs from libraries

  4. I have to join the gym at some point this week, but I don't want to because that £60 could go on good things like beer.

    also, I think since I came to university I've gone to more lectures/seminars and handed in more essays on time than in the whole of college. go team sera!!

    (note: as I write this I am infact missing a seminar due to sleeping in by an hour&a half)

  5. The EU just passed a law that means even if you buy something cheaper in a different country, you still have to pay the difference in customs when you arrive back home.

    Don't know when it comes into effect, but I'd look into it.

  6. Sounds like combination skin, where your 't zone' is quite oily, but the rest of your skin can be dry and flaky.

    If you're absurdly rich, go to a dermatologist, if not, then dermalogica or keihls have really good skincare ranges, then of course there's clinique's 3step range, which is meant to be good for men.

    Your skin can often get oily and dry at the same time because of cold weather, if you're not moisturising your pores produce more natural oils to compensate.

    Shaving also irritates the skin so you should make sure you're not shaving against the grain and always moisturise your skin once you're done dragging a razor over it :D

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