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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. I was looking for a penguin version that I vaguely remember, but couldn't find it, so settled for mutilating a cartoon kitten instead.

    I can't watch tv/listen to music/play video games because spike's asleep, and I can't focus on books.

    (whinge whinge)

    I may go make a post about the Louvre in superculture, just so I feel like I'm doing something. Or I may shit up supertrash with random pictures from my photobucket.

    Or both.

  2. red's idea sounds fun, a sufu sleepover. will there be twister and marshmallows?

    fuck it, I have a long summer holiday, whether spike wants to come or not, I'm there. cross my heart and hope to die.

    wait...what's the drinking age in NYC? cause if it's 21 I may not come at all...:mad:

  3. the legs don't look too bad, but they do give you a chick's arse mate. if they were 24 or 25 I'd take them, but unless I put on a fair bit of weight, I'd just do like the overlord said and stick them on ebay.

    rule of thumb, do a lot of research before buying jeans, or attempt to try them on before you buy. it sounds simple but it will save you so much hassle with regards to sizing.

  4. damn, I want to go but I don't know if we could afford it.

    flights from london are about 250, but hotels in NYC are retarded, so we'd be sleeping in a park somewhere. so unless there's a couch/floor space we could crash on..

    why can't you yanks just fucking come to europe?

  5. haters are fun :)

    shit's hot yo. a little extortionate for $499 with a contract, though, hardly the kind of price students can afford without using up a big chunk of their loan.

  6. when will superchat be back? troutchat is nice and all, but fishing geeks keep coming in and interrupting everything.

    and it makes funny noises every ten fucking seconds.

  7. okay so, Spike is linked to this guy who streams free music downloads, but once in a while some porn comes through the mix.

    I figured someone on this board would appreciate the hilarity, and I'm also aware that one or two fuck-ups will probably whack off to it, but it's just too bizarre to pass on.

    I present to you.....World of Warcraft porn.


  8. played guitar hero until the wee hours of the morning..again. I think maybe it was a bad idea to have bought it, I can see it getting in the way of everything until I can play six on expert full speed. Which may never happen, my small fingers just don't cut it.

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