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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. 1 Euro = 1.3237 U.S. dollars according to google. Main brands are basically priced around the same as they would be anywhere else as far as I'm aware, give or take import tax.

    Noir Kennedy is one of my favourite shops in paris, head there if you're at all punk inclined or like skinny jeans, they stock april 77 and cheap mondays, the staff are really friendly (only the chick with short blonde hair speaks english) and the changing rooms are old english telephone boxes.

  2. a little late, but I was sf-less in Paris.

    get my tattoo finished, hopefully at the Milan convention in February.

    master guitar hero II and kick Spike's arse at it, make a video of said kicking and post it all over the internet.

    write something substantial.

    pass my first year of university without fucking up.

    buy less random impulse clothes and make good use of the sewing machine I got for xmas.

    fuck man, the list could go on all day.

  3. French television sucks arse, so lately myself, spike and the friend we went to Paris with find ourselves watching shitty soft porn while dubbing it ourselves. Helps pass the time once the shops are closed and happy hour (5 till 8?!) is over.

    If I was at home I'd be watching 8 Simple Rules reruns though.

  4. Vurt and Needle In The Groove by Jeff Noon

    Thin Skin and Cherries In The Snow by Emma Forrest (don't know if many men would like these though, or well-adjusted girls)

    Paradise Lost

    Hallucinating Foucault by Patricia Duncker

    Anything by Foucault, Sartre or Barthes.

    The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer.

    Chekhov's short stories.

    Any of Shakespeare's plays.

    I could go on and on, really.

  5. sera, we're talking about those pills, not the kind you're taking. are you just taking an oral contracetive, because those aren't that bad, i occasionally have side effects from one brand but other than that thye're good.

    but plan b is the thing that terminates a fetus within 72 hours, yeah, it can be later than that, and it will still work, but it is like 100% effetive within 72 hours and the effectiveness decreases over time.

    No, i don't mean normal daily contraceptive pills, I was talking about a form of abortion used since having taken the 72 hour pill here I couldn't figure out how it could have such bad side effects.

    Technically the egg isn't fertilised for about a week after you have unprotected sex, depending on where you are in your cycle, and then it takes about another week for the foetus to begin growing. Something like that anyway, it is 6am.

  6. :cool: I could be a superhero!

    But no, I know a few other girls who've taken it and they've never complained of any problems..there are pills that you use after the 72 hours period which effectively terminates the foetus, but I have no experience with those. Maybe that's what the US version is?

  7. is there some difference between the morning after pills we use in the UK? I've never had any pain/side effects from it (you can get it free here from emergency clinics)

    sounds like the US version is scary

  8. I wish that I could have seen the Libertines live. They are probably the best band of the past 6 years.

    many, many bands have a better claim than the Libertines, but I do quite like their stuff.

  9. Favorite Book- Vurt by Jeff Noon, or Hallucinating Foucault by Patricia Duncker

    Favorite Album- Jimi Hendrix Live At Woodstock

    Favorite Artist- Artist? Hmmmm. Alex Grey

    Favorite Movie- Fantasia overall, but Secretary and Almost Famous are close.

    Favorite Quote- it changes everyday, right now it's probably 'lets get high'

  10. A literature thread? I'm home :)

    Today I've been reading Bohemia In London: The Social Scene of Early Modernism by Peter Brooker. It's the first book I've been able to read for leisure in about a month, essay submitting period in university just ended today.

    Yesterday I read about fifteen books at the library, but I won't post that list. They were all literary theory books centred around structuralism/post-structuralism/deconstructionism. Sounds complex but it isn't.

  11. my group of friends in college were known as 'the junkies', if that counts.

    other than sports teams I've not really been part of any 'group', though the book club at university looks very appealing...if only the other members weren't so imbecilic.

  12. ge0ff, that's disturbing.

    there's a man who lives one floor up and diagonally opposite to us, so from his kitchen (I think it's his kitchen) window he has a perfect view through our window to the bed. It gets really disconcerting sitting there and realising there's some guy standing at his window watching you every time you turn around.

    I'm hoping that maybe he just likes to do his dishes with the blinds up, but I swear to God he just stands there and stares right at me all the fucking time.


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