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Hatful of Hallow

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Posts posted by Hatful of Hallow

  1. It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man

    Why buy a product that it takes 2000 flushes to get rid of?

    Illiterate? Write today for free help.

    What is another word for synonym?

    If a mute swears does his mother wash his hands out with soap?

    When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?

    Daily Bump...

    Buy these shoes !

  2. NYC update: stopped by this am and they had all s/s oxfords: White / Lilac / Blue, all XL gone, mostly Large left. They said all XL were taken Thursday and Friday, and don't know if they will re-up again. Also had s/s plaids all in stock, most sizes: Yellow / White / Black. All s/s $88, and did not see any l/s plaids or flannels left, so those are ghost.

    For the guy asking about the fanny packs, still there: all colorways.

    I picked up 2 L's in the blue s/s oxford and 1 XL in the White oxford, if anyone has or can get an blue XL and wants to trade, LMK

    I have to say, fit's on cut & sew this season are much smaller then before. Oxfords this season are sweet, fabric was pre washed thus having nice hand to them and not thin like the s/s plaids.

  3. got stuck at checkout with 500 internal server error issue, then again at check out...computer just froze... kept at it for 10 mins

    then gave up, went to iphone and get email from supreme

    order went through

    hopefully with this cash they upgrade their server

  4. Just got back. Got there at 10:30 and I was about 30 ppl deep in line. lots of hypebeast kiddies playin hookie, but a few ppl that look like they post here. got in the door at 12:30. but something made the wait entirely worth it - a white limo rolls up and parks across the street from jersey ave. out steps three chubby white 12 year old hypebeasts decked out in kid robot hoodies 5 sizes too big and footlocker dunks. with their father and teenage sister. and shoffer (in his bowtie and driver's cap).

    and if anyone else can shed some more light on that story with the three pre-pubecent hypebeasters in the limo, please add some more descriptive/articulate stories. that really made my day

    Yo Eric, you the guy working the blackberry while in line? I got there around the same time and saw the kids with their limo and daddy, that shit was mad funny. Crazy white 'kato' driver escorting them to supreme door, totally made the wait worth it.

    Anywho, the homeboy Moya hooked me up as always so copped the Kermit tee on the DL + 2 flannels, an ashtray and the black waist pak. Funnier shit was afterwards I went to 'habana to go' for a cuban and as im turning corner, I ran right into Lindsey Lohan running into Cafe Habana while paparazzi are chasing after her. Fucking chick is mad orange

    Anyone notice Daniel Day Lewis walk by the line ?

    ps: the flannels are much tighter than expected, I usually get larges but might have to go back for XL. Shirt is way fitted, put it this way, i just got a jcrew oxford in L and its alot bigger than Supreme's L. Will try to measure tomorrow am, need to sleep off the liquor

  5. SALVO, I got a brand new pair, unworn. Purchased from BiG before they had to remove the back pocket stitching, so these will be hard to find with the repo back pockets....anyways, wanted $250, but i'd let them go for what arounf what i paid for them.....$220 shipped

    Hit me up if interested...





  6. That sounds right. If we're talking about style, I think only 5% (probably?) of what I see in WAYWT deserve to stay on superfuture. So what's the point of this thread? Everyone else should just fuck off while you guys continue to pontificate on style, fashion, and who gets to join the club?

    I also tend to agree with the above, but I also say to each their own. I mostly trip on how some comment on others sense of style, or lack there of...relax, it's like Joan Rivers telling you that you made her worst dress list

  7. me and my brother went down from boston last night got in around 2 am, skated all morning, and then posted up in line. Hatful of Hallow, we were those 2 random kids across the street, were you the dude in the blazers? i copped in large miles, purple deny everything, i think it looks fresh, puppets in white, and showbiz in mint.my bro copped in medium blue miles, grey deny everything, and yellow biz tee. the place wasn't too busy, i would expect plenty of shirts will be available, i wouldnt expect crazy resale prices.

    Ha, yeah that was me...how random :cool: Where you guys there before that kid at the door ?

    No doubt on the tees, gotta get the sleeper puppets in white.

  8. Went down there around 1.30 myself, and picked up Deny Everything in Blue and White as well as Showbiz tee in Yellow. Gotta go back for the Miles though...

    is it just me or is that MINT color hella ugly ?

    Also predict they will have mad RAT TARGET tee left as well, graphic was uber plain :/

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