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Posts posted by LaughingBuddha

  1. Barney's: hyped up and expensive but Laughing Buddha (lightbulb goes off) is just knock-you-on-your-ass amazing. Not to say that all of their other stuff isn't excellent as well, but just my personal favorite. They also have gimmicky stuff like a vaporizer as well as good coffee, milkshakes, and space cakes.

    Also, Dampkring has an amazing selection. A bit loud and crowded, but the menu is huge and diversified.

  2. Update: Second paper finished, a meditation piece entitled "On Procrastination." I find it strangely relevant.

    As for those who want to read the essay...it's such a short piece of writing that's dumbed-down for an audience of non-denimheads and fashionistas that I almost feel ashamed to show it SuFu's...nevertheless, after a much necessary extensive editing session, perhaps I'll reconsider...

  3. student, now general manger of the independent student-run coffeeshop...was staff but now I'm movin on up.

    i do farmwork/pizza delivery/barista/tennis pro work in the summer

    edit: 200!

  4. I need to write three papers tonight.

    I just finished the first, a journalistic essay entitled "The Changing Social Dynamics of Internet Forums: a Superstudy."

    Take a guess about what it's on.

    Two more to go.

  5. After spending a semester in A-dam, I found some nice spots...obviously it's impossible to hit all of them, but I was pretty unimpressed every time I branched out. Most of the places are just there to cater to tourists, sell weed to nonsmokers and make hella profit because tourists don't know shit....but there are also places that really know their stuff and compete in the cannibus cup and have people who work on cultivating their shit etc etc.

    I'll echo all of the ones that Astrowolf pointed out, although I'm not such a fan of the more crowded ones (Dampkring and Greenhouse) to sit and smoke (although Dampkring has a huuge menu).

    Barney's is expensive, but I was continually impressed with their quality and variety. They also have vaporizer which is fun. Laughing Buddha is absolutely hands-down my favorite, followed closely by G-13 haze which they introduced this year.

    Rokerij is a really nice place to chill...although the weed didn't impress me as much. Good, but not really amazing.

    Amnesia has really good space cakes and is run by the same people as Barney's, although it seems to get the 2nds or something from Barney's farm. Very good though.

  6. This shirt needs to be bigger imo. The cut on these shirts are not meant to be worn fitted. If they were put on a different blank such as American Apperel it would be more acceptable, but they they are AAA shirts for god sake. It looks like a belly shirt with the sleeves way too loose for something fitted. Size up to a large for you sir and see 78 on how it should be done properly.

    flex1: thanks for the constructive criticism...andi completely agree with you (although i don't believe the world tour series was printed on AAA blanks). Shirt looked much better about 10 washes/hot drys ago. It's a thin line between washed larges and unwashed mediums...gotta hate the in-betweens

  7. So at one time or another, we all stumbled upon the WAYWT thread. For many it was a shock. To outsiders, it's definitely supergay.

    I know that finding a thread full of pictures of other guys seemed so bizarre, especially when tied to a topic as mundane as "what are you wearing today."

    Yet we all return, browsing, critiquing, flaming, and repping. It all draws us back.

    I know I look at WAYWT as inspiration. I never would have known that dior jeans could look good relaxed until 78 came along. I never know that pinrolling could look legit until Milspex and Sidney put their different spins on it. WAYWT opened me up to hundreds of new brands and different aesthetics.

    But more than that, it's an interesting evolution of internet personality. Look at Kix, who went from hypebeast to pinrolled white jeans. Look at Chard, who went from nudies and nikes to flatheads and vans. Look at Tangerine, who's branching into streetwear with supreme and visvim. And someone please pull up the picture of Carl in the pink dunks and huge jeans.

    You can say all you want about "the sufu look." There's definitely similarities in many of the posters, but there is still an amazing diversity of aesthetics. Look no further than Chris and Cheep. Or Crillz and Ayn. Or Digital Denim and Milspex. Just a few examples, but you get the point.

    So what brings you to WAYWT.

    For posters...is it E-fame? Sharing your aesthetic with the world? Promoting your products? Earning rep?

    For viewers...inspiration? Looking at guys in tight jeans?

    Feel free to sound off...this is supertrash after all.

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