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Posts posted by braid

  1. i'd like to bring this thread back to reality and hope other noobs aren't setting expectations too high.

    Few of us will ever have as fast fading as kjell has. For 5 months, that is entirely unrealistic. The boy must be running 10 miles in them everyday. If he says, "I just wear them to walk around town", don't believe it. No jeans fade that fast, especially eternals unless you're doing a lot of physical activity everyday in them.

  2. another sizing question for 710's.

    My waist measure's 32.5 - 33"

    The BiG website is hella confusing. It says a 33 measures 34 prewash and will shrink to 33......that's only 1". My experience with samurai denim is it shrinks at least 2". What am I missing here?

    I'm thinking of going for a size 33 assuming it shrinks to 32 like it should, it would be perfect.


  3. the whitehouse does look good. Anyone have any objections? If not, i'm going to book my room for the 5th - 7th. I'm thinking of leaving monday morning.

    Anyone want to share a room with me? If not, i'll just book a single.

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