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Posts posted by poliopoliopolio

  1. i don't know if it's just their omnipresence in every editorial in every thick, expensive men's magazine right now, but these shiny prada shorts have grown on me.


    perfect for an afternoon garden golden shower party.

  2. dope, is it possible to buy these online somewhere? do you know the exact name or model of these pants? (I know you said costume national, but is there a more specific name I can search by)

    just tried checking the tag but its pretty worn down. if it was $15 at c21 i'm assuming it's at least 3? seasons old. sorry couldn't be more help.

  3. that is exactly why it has become my life's quest (read: i'll give up if i can't get em by july) to find a pair of jersey plimsolls without resorting to ordering off of topman.com

    i thought i was over it, but i got lost driving around with my girlfriend this weekend and we stopped in some random shoe shop and she bought a pair of grey jersey ballet flats that re-ignited the flame....

    totally understandable. the fact that i can't find the white easy usa's in my size in all of chinatown pisses me off beyond belief. i refuse to pay oak $30 for the privilege of selling me a $7 shoe.

  4. haha, i had two older sisters and pored over the old issues of sassy, cometbus, and the one well-worn copy of maximum rock 'n roll they left behind. then i started hanging out with nattily dressed pop kids in shitty coffee houses...ah, youth.

  5. Favorite thread ever! I've been rocking out to Rocketship all night. Those heavy held synth lines just tear. I've been going through Slumberland recently and of course it is all gold.

    I have the flyer for that Rose Melberg show as my desktop! They played it with Pants Yell! (speaking of which I am printing my pop zine this weekend and have a very long interview with Andrew, PM me your address for a copy). As far as Tigertrap goes I'm all about "Supercrush." I was humming it all day.

    man, that rocketship song on 'why popstars can't dance' was on triple repeat on my walkman in 8th grade. 'you and your new boyfriend walk hand in hand along the streets the way we used to...' shit, dude, i'm gonna download that right now.

    also, i meant in my above post "lost weight" not "lost."

  6. the one-two punch of "chester" and then "my broken heart"...


    have you heard the supercrush b-side, 'hiding'? shit, man, time to break out the 7"s. also, have you seen how much weight rose melberg lost recently?


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