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Posts posted by poliopoliopolio

  1. I was going through my closet at my parents' house and realized that I have a lot of retarded ass clothes. Since I've been shopping at thrift stores since I was 14 and I'm bad at throwing things away, I have a lot of stupid, stupid, clothing. That being said, I decided to try and make the worst possible fits (by theme) I could with my wardrobe.

    From left to right: F.O.T. (Friend of Telfar), Frat Dude, Nu Rave Victim/Dirty, Dirty Dancer.

    I'd be interested in seeing yours, but you all might just have more restraint than I do. I'm also totally psyched for the hilarious and totally unexpected, "How are these any different/worse than your regular fits?"

  2. van dyke parks- song cycle




    after the gold rush

    viva last blues

    your arsenal

    moon pix


    what's the 411?

    the metro area lp

    gal costa

    e. smith - roman candle & s/t

    olivia tremor control - music from the unrealized film script [except the middle third]

    eric's trip - love tara

    dm - violator

    the swirlies - what to do about them

    tiger trap - s/t

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