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Posts posted by Blackplatano

  1. casually show them to her and say something like "gee, i really really like these. i would love to get them someday."

    if she's smart she'll take the hint.

    then show her some pictures of true superfuture style jeans (8 sizes too small) just so she knows what size to get you

    She has this "weird" notion that her jeans should be tighter than mine.

  2. Does anyone know how APC Rescues compare to Nudie Baggy Bjorns fit-wise? I'm basically looking for the baggier of the 2 with more room in the leg.

    the rescues are not baggy. They are a simple straight leg. If that's what you want go with nudies.

  3. My GF was asking me what i want for christmas. I said i didn't know, but hell fvkin yes i know. I want denim.

    the problem is that ASKING for something that's so expensive and looks like $40 STF (to her) would be unreasonable. Not to mention all the problems that arise with getting it (unless a send her a link to BIG showing the model i want, by "mistake").

    So i ask, how can i get her to buy me those XX-003 i want short of telling her?

    Im sure a lot of you also have this situation.

  4. Thanks for the advice. These jeans came hemmed from Ironheart. So technically speaking, they came that way.

    I'll drop the price to $210 then if that makes you happy.

    Why, aren't you funny, douche.

    You need to work on your hustling skills. Talking shit to your potential customers, embarrasing pricing, and subtle persuations like "buy from me", "purchase" etc.

  5. O man this is funny...

    You guys are dissing the stylist and what not, claiming that you can do a better job.

    But what if you were his stylist? What the Fv&% would you have him wear?

    Tight ass PBJs XX-005 and vans? Do you know the damage that would to his career and how stupid he would look? Everybody would burn him for obvious reasons.

    Jay-z is not stupid and knows how to dress. He knows when to bring out the bespoke to a def jam meeting.

    Whoever made the claim that rappers don't buy their own clothes is out of it. I've been to plenty of stores with pictures of when rappers when for a little shopping visit.

    Another thing.

    And no, punk rock or rock for the most part doesn;t ruin things like hip hop does because they are not a musical art form where a large percentage of the time is spent talking/bragging/flaunting about material goods

    No, rock/punk doesn't spend time bragging. It spends it's time bitching about how life in the suburbs sucks because your parents don't love you and your dog has diarrea and it feels like your life is about to be over.

    the "streets" are not going to catch on to something that is not so easy to identify. Urban/hip-hop fashion is usually something loud/attention grabbing and can be seen from a mile away. Think about evisu or red monkey jeans, you can see the gulls or crazy dragons from down the street. You cant see the Samurai stitching unless you are pretty close. Especially in a big city, kids want to be seen, thats why all-over print hoodies and bright ass sneakers are the "hot" thing right now. I think history shows that "real" street fashion (not "streetwear") has rarely been about subtlety. i think your samurais will be safe.

    Yea, because skateboarders/rockers/whatever don't wear bright ass 7 color SBs with raw jeans and all over print hoody right? :eek:

    LAst time i checked plenty of people wore corny shoes with corny hoodies and didn't even know what hip hop is.

  6. Better to look plain, have stuff fit, and be confident then look like a clown. But opinions are like assholes, no?


    Picture is pretty good though

    Only your superior logic could connect confidence to looking plain. So hova isn't confident because he doesn't look plain? The number of insecure people fishing for complements are too many to mention. So your argument is bullshit.

    judging from your post you must be an asshole, oh excuse me, i meant opinionated

  7. Most of the thread looks better then Jay does there.

    Jay when he wants to looks like a pimp. Man has some serious satorial syle.

    And how tired is your musical arguement? *yawn*

    Get the Fuck out here most of the thread looks like shit. A bunch of plain looking expensive outfits and a bunch of kiss ass comments.

    And how tired are your stupid fake semi-witty comments? *yawnnnnnnnnnn*

  8. thanks a lot xcoldricex!!!

    It's always good to see something from your personal collection!

    Some shoes work in certain situations and not others. Would you show up to court in some mark nason's?

    Im simply looking for some shoes that would work well for going out.

    It doesn't matter what type of club or party because im not buying for any specific situation. Im only taking suggestions for my next casual shoe.

  9. I just saw Jay leno, and kevin ferderline is wearing some Oni's. Especifically the relaxed ones (reds) with the red what-you-may-call-it on the pocket. So how many days till BIG pulls it off shelfs and SuFu and SF start calling them AMjack?

    P.S this is called the nudie treatment.

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