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Posts posted by thelion1856

  1. CNpelt310789x001_t593.jpg?f53c1bb70f629018cec0bd6246c82dae770b93ac


    the article was in todays paper, some lucky douch bag bought an unknown hide at a garage sale for 5 bucks. Turns out its a tazmanian devil hide (an extinct species) Now the prick is having it auctioned off to the highest bidder (look at that shit eattin grin). If it was me i'd have a wallet made out some of it then donate the rest to self edge for a back leather on their next pair of jeans.

    So serious!

  2. Always comin with the solid shit, its like you take the jumbled pile of exactly what im thinkin, and sort it out so it makes sense.

    Like you said what I really need is some time for myself, and self introspection. Ideally a "break" but I really don't want a break for multiple reasons...thing is, I feel like if a temporary break is a time when I go out and get laid, why wouldn't she? Not so much because she needs it want its whatever, but feels hurt and feels like I may not come back.

    And if that isn't the case, I don't want things to be different between us when I do come back. She really is absolutely perfect, and I don't want her to change.

    But otherwise, its really hard to have my space, how do I do that when shes used to having a phone call from me every night, texts during the day, me usually orchestrating the plans to see each other since we usually work around my schedule. You know, if I stop doing these things as much she'll notice, and from there it can be weird, she might bring it up like "oh whats changed..."

    Bottom line is she will definitely notice if im not myself, or at least acting like myself, cause being like this isnt myself im just covering it up well.

    It feels a little cramped, I cant find my space, and like I said I really dont want a verbalized break.

    I think it is some sort of itch after not being single for a minute, when that is what i'm used too.

    Im just wondering if its merely an itch that can go unscratched, and ill realize I am much better off staying with this girl, which is what my gut is telling me, or if its something thats true and I need to bounce.

    I just think I know very well that I will regret it if I leave, shit is weird.

    I dont know if I say it now, cause I havent done it, but im not so sure that I would feel a lot of guilt or bad if I just cheated on her. But thats before the fact, after the fact I might be guilt ridden and shit will crumble cause of me, then Ill realize the dipshit mistake I made. Blahhh.

    Maybe I just want my cake, and too eat it too...

    you need to talk to her about how your feeling if you still wanna be with her. it will most likely lead to a break up but whatever. i predict u wont be with this girl in a year from now anyways because the longer you have this feeling grow in you then she WILL notice it herself without you even sayin shit.

    I was just like u in a 4 yr relationship, its not just an itch that will go away. u need to break up wit this girl it aint fair for her and it aint fair for u. Plus u will feel like ur real self once you do, freedom to do whatever u want when u want. Ya ur life will be boring as fuck but take it like this, say yes to anything that people offer you. Party on a monday night? yes. Rock climbin yes whatever, make your life interesting.

    oh and the chicks u think r into you now, will not be when u break up.

  3. I just came to the relization that there is a lotta negative shit in my life right now, gotta get positive. need to quit smokin cigz, less drinkin, less shit food, more gym time, more focus on job & school, pay off credit cards & figure out what ima do/say wit this chick i really like but happens to be married. The deeper we get into it the more i like her & the more confused my feelings gets. I dont know how the fuck it got to this point. After all this said come the weekend i know im gonna keep ridin the crazy train just to see what the hell can possibly happen next. Ever since i broke up wit my ex in march shit has been real interesting, haha. what should i do?

    The worst part about all this is that i feel like that fuckin lebron james nike commercial right now and thats what bothers me most about all this. i fuckin hate lebron. Go Kobe. Chargers finally won today. oh, im blazed.

  4. I think v5 needs a next level status involved in it some how like a step yo game up type shit maybe? I dont know but maybe a min dollar amount? I know it means less people might participate but it would involve a higher level of dope packages. Problem is how would we kno who to involve in it? Maybe v5 cordinator could go thro previous players in superswaps and have v5 be invite only? Or have previous superswapers nominate candidates for v5? I dont know just throwin sum ideas out there.

  5. Had a fucking awesome weekend:


    Woke up at 9AM. So during the day i went out to a sports bar wit the fellaz and bet on some college ball. Lost all my bets but ate a dope ass burger & good beer. Then decided to drive to LA for the self edge party. Copy & pasted SELA address through my google maps on iphone. I followed the directions as i was driving and they took me to some ghetto hood in LA to a place called Selfstore Edge a fucking storage place. Luckily got out the hood alive and decided to type the address into google maps manually. Got to the party finally & proceeded to drink more, got my fade back on, tryed on the ironheart overdyed shirt and once i wore it i knew i had to have it. Dropped the rest of my money on it. Its so easy to buy shit drunk but im so glad i did, its my fav shirt right now. Ended up having a blast at the party. Got back home to SD at 3:00AM



    woke up at 9AM got ready went to the chargers game wit a hot mexican chick. Dont remember much of the game...


    overall it was a crazy bizzy weekend. Felt like a 5 day vacation crammed into 2 & 1/2 days.

  6. So this weekend was bizarre. Went to a close friends apartment for the 1st time with another buddy of mine. was there for less than 5mins, i walked to the gas station nearby to grab a bite to eat, im walking back to his apartment, i knock on his door no answer, i remember him sayin he'll leave the door unlocked & to just come in, so i go in and the football game is on but cant find my buddies, i call for their name but no answer, i figure they went to go smoke or were playin a trick on me. then i notice, wait this looks a lot like his apartment same furniture set up, same tv, same table but no beers on the table. Im confused at this point and just then a chick walks in and asks "what are you doing here?" I ask her where my buddy was thinkin its his wifes friend she says they dont live here and im like OMG, i was shocked as hell, told her i was sorry and walked out went and finally found my friends apartment told him what had just happened of course they didnt believe me at first. I gave him 20bucks to go over & apologize to the chick cuz i felt bad. He went over and apologized. I guess the chick was still kinda freakin out until he told her it was a mistake. What a trippy day that was for me.

  7. so i just wrote about 7 paragraphs describing my past week....then pressed delete. All i gotta say is i actually lived the CWG & KAG (& if there was ever a CMG) thread this past week & it was fucking awesome. Tomorrow is friday and i have no fucking clue what this weekend has in store for me. All i know is its going to be a bumpy rollercoaster with highs, lows and who the fuck knows. Im anxious as to what the fuck is going to happen this weekend. Shit is getting...uh, interesting.

  8. Coffee Table Reading.


    this is a great book, i also recently copped this book along with "Jeans Of the old west: A History"

    along with Free Rage shirt, Warehouse shirt & Doubbleworks Sneakers & Bandana that came wit them....






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