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Posts posted by thelion1856

  1. holy crap, my iphone headphones just went through the wash. was expecting i'd have to buy another pair, but they still work! and they're now whiter than ever :D

    thats the one good thing about them, mine been through many super hot wash and dry cycles. But daily use finds me needing to replacing them every 4 to 6 months.

  2. lookin for a small to mid sized rectangular canvas bag or case for a 1st aid kit for work. Something that can be portable but fit in a backpack, I've been lookin for the past few weeks. Seen some red cross ones that look decent except for they are bright red, lookin for more discrete black or brown or neutral shade colors. For the life of me i scoured many websites but havnt come up with a decent find.

    Any EMT's, nurses, docs or anyone that has one let me know. Of if u come across one that'd be nice & appreciated, thanks.

    something like this...


  3. ^ Sound advice. Some of the heavier Samurai jeans can take a while to settle and break in, you go through weeks on not knowing if you like them or not, wondering if you bought the correct size etc..... Then one day, you will put them on and everything falls into place (literally), and they become your favourite item of clothing. Stick with them and they will reward you.

    so true bout sams.

  4. ya i know the spelling says wales in the drawing but i decided it would go with the theme so choose your whale... ;)

    wale2 Scot and northern English dialectn1. a choice

    2. anything chosen as the best

    adj choice

    vb (tr) to choose[from Old Norse val choice, related to German Wahl]


  5. i remember when daft punk made a surprise guest appearance at a club in SD on Halloween night hours before they took a flight out to vegas for their famous Vegoose night. No one even knew about it cept for the people there. I wish i had went but who knows maybe they might surprise peeps wit that missing time slot sunday night. Go out wit a bang.

  6. New reason to carry a knife: makes cutting your arm off easier in horror survival situations.

    After i watched 127 hours yesterday i realized that an EDC'er is more likely to cut his arm off than a non EDC'er but more likely to survive in situations where the non EDC'er would die off.

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