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Posts posted by stayhandsome

  1. my early final guess is Chicago vs Washington

    but I dunno.. with the addition of Jason Williams who played well with the wings before and some of our quiet guys becoming more and more solid (cleary possibly on team canada?!) I think Detroit will still contend.

  2. Yesterday me and my oldest friend filled a large smart bottle up with a pint of E and J and some coke which fits perfectly in a bicycle bottle holder. Then we rode 20 miles through the city to the south shore line to our secret spot. After we met a friend at the beach and had some free drinks and pizza at piece on north and then had some free pizza and drinks at santullo's next door. Continuing on the free drink spree I decided to steal a mini keg of heineken from cvs for our basketball game. With a couple of coke blunts in us we played until the wee hours and I woke up today with a rolled ankle and sprained finger. I'm going to miss summer.

  3. The guy who does those books is a detective for russian pigs and dedicated his life to decoding his countries prison tattoos which took over his life. It is to the point where he frames inked skin from dead bodies. His wife is into it too.

  4. I'm really into this show. The funny thing is I was watching it while flipping between the history channel where they were showing the process of fishing the Alaskan coasts and processing the catch all while still being out at sea. So basically they were harvesting several thousand little fishes and making them available for human consumption just like the Japanese harvesting ship does to whales. Except the Japs are not grabbing up other little friends from the ocean that just lie on the deck and die because they are useless.

    I think most consumption of wildlife is a clumsy practice.

  5. How about dolphins? I was just reading about this documentary The Cove on the subject of dolphin's being slaughtered for meat and to be put into captivity, it sounds fucking horrifying.

    Fuck even sharks, people shouldn't be eating them either. It's all disgusting.

    It's all gone to hell.

    3 birds are on the verge of extiction due to the sardine industry off the western coast of south America. The thing that kills me is that the sardines are used to feed pigs that become bacon. So five animals are currently being destroyed when you swine devour bacon.

  6. i spilled some bleach on one of my favorite pants yesterday night. i still don't know why i had bleach tho. i'm more stupid than i thought.

    what does snoop dog use to clean his linens?


  7. Homie I know Ben Wah and his wife Alison so please do not try and drop knowledge. What I offered was my opinion which often seems to be rivaled by your own. Jake can back me up on this.

    The work done at Deluxe is of the highest regard but IMO the finest traditional tattoo artist in the city of Chicago holding true to the roots of the art form yet adding his own touch would be Mario Desa. If I were looking for deluxe like tattoos I would hit up Guy Aitchison a few hours out of Chicago. I think most of Ben's work was done by Guy.

    www.jeffzuck.com is the tops behind grime and a few others in my eyes.

  8. I'm going to save our arguements for hockey season vanfragmeter. But I will say his myspace is the best place to check his current work his website is outdated.

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