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Posts posted by johnmilner

  1. Jesus Fernandez wins hands down. Back Smith bigspin flip?

    Pops and Alex Olson were amazing as well. Lucas Puig is remarkable, did a few tricks I've never seen before.

    Guy's part was mind-shattering but the music was terrible.

    Overall it was amazing, but I doubt that I will watch it in it's entirety more than once or twice.

    No part was a let down, I only wish SJ had more stuff, sucks he's retired now.

  2. Even safety conscious old-coots know hearing is not a particularly valuable sense to avoid traffic on your bicycle. By the time you hear something, you're hit. You react far, far, far more quickly to sight, because sound takes physical time to reach your ears.

    Yes, you should be able to hear over your music. No, it will not endanger you to listen to it; but you should be smart enough to not have it if it ends up distracting you.

    It is 100% illegal to drive a car with headphones. It is not illegal to ride a bike with them.

    Are you being sarcastic? What about cars behind you, creeping on small side streets etc.? There are definitely many instances where I hear cars before I see them, and adjust accordingly.

  3. Now I know you can't see the whole fit but I just love this look. I just don't know how to describe it, R&S, Seenmy, 123 and some others do this look; it's like so fucking rustic. I know it's not the right year, but it def. has an 80's mundane dressed down (I guess skater?) look. It's so non-chelant yet so damn tight at the same time. It's like looking at an 80's teen movie (can't name which tho), Or a Donnie Darko look (That was gay, but it best somes up what I feel in my loins)

    What is this look?

    1994-96 skateboarder?

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