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Posts posted by home

  1. I've seen a lot of problems with installing bootcamp and windows with people running leopard, so I'd suggest attempting it before putting any personal data on it.

    n00b question - leopard is the current mac operating system, equivilant to PC's windows, yes?

  2. I've seen a lot of problems with installing bootcamp and windows with people running leopard, so I'd suggest attempting it before putting any personal data on it.

    n00b question - leopard is the current mac operating system, equivilant to PC's windows, yes?

  3. Boxing day sales are only a couple days away now, does anyone indulge? Is it even worth indulging?

    The last time I wondered out on the 26th was many years ago and nearly all of my shopping was done at Myer/DJs - needless to say, I got some 'bargains'. lol.

    What's boxing day shopping like in some of the smaller boutiques around Melbourne (the fats, assins, etc.)? Any serious discounts? I guess with sales you gotta be in the right place at the right time to robocop gooooooood.

  4. Boxing day sales are only a couple days away now, does anyone indulge? Is it even worth indulging?

    The last time I wondered out on the 26th was many years ago and nearly all of my shopping was done at Myer/DJs - needless to say, I got some 'bargains'. lol.

    What's boxing day shopping like in some of the smaller boutiques around Melbourne (the fats, assins, etc.)? Any serious discounts? I guess with sales you gotta be in the right place at the right time to robocop gooooooood.

  5. If you're doing anything in 3D other than extrusions, use a real modeler.

    Good point.

    Anyone else had any first hand experience running AutoCad (Windows) on Mac?

    Another n00b question, but can one transfer, for example, Photoshop files from a Mac to a PC (Windows) without problem? Same goes for other files such as Adobe PDFs, Autocad files (this might not matter, due to the work being done in Windows on the Mac, right?), etc.

  6. Uhh???? MacBook or MacBook Pro are almost exactly the same as any other PC laptop that you will install WIndows Vista or XP on. Sounds like bullshit to me.
    2D ACAD through Parallels or Bootcamp runs just as fine (or shitty) as on a regular desktop PC.

    How about ACAD 2007/08 with 3D capabilities?

    Maybe this can be done.

  7. I call it the 20 minute timeout.

    Gives you time to find that copper penny. Ha.

    In Australia, if you blow over the limit, they then blood test you for accurate results (generally 15 odd minutes have passed by the time they actually draw blood). These are the figures they use for issuing warnings/tickets/suspension/etc.

  8. You might be able to run AutoCad through Bootcamp but that involes you actually installing Windows on you computer (as a second OS).

    Yeah, a friend of mine does this, but tells me it isn't fun. Unreliable, slow, etc. Not the path I'd like to take..

    My impression on ArchiCad is that it's great in some ways and not so good in others. The smart thing is that it's fast as you get your plan, facades, sections and 3D view in one. Although I feel it's pretty unsmooth if you don't want to use the predefined components.

    The dominance AutoCad has in Australia over all other drafting packages is quite significant, AFAIK. The problem I think I will have with a program like ArchiCad (or Revit, for that matter), is, as you've mentioned, the difficulty presented when drafting components that are not predefined.

    Perhaps I'm better off just investing in a good 17" PC Laptop ($3000+ should get me a pretty nice one I'd think), and getting on with Autocad/Viz/etc...

  9. lupe fiasco is a douche bag. his ego is too big. the guy just cant wait till he has enough "street cred" among other rappers so he can make an entire album about how he is the greatest rapper and how he's this and that and how he is the new number one guy. so predictable the guy makes me want to puke.

    Sounds like just about any contemporary rapper that has tasted the fruit of success in some capacity or another..

  10. just did some research and have figured autocad on mac isnt such a great idea..

    seems archicad may be a better options on the mac platform (i used archicad a few years ago and wasnt overly impressed). however, as autocad will in all likelihood remain the industry standard in drafting software, it might be a little unwise on my behalf to look into other programs..

  11. ^^ personal experience + microeconomics =

    if you have a penny in your car that was minted before 1982, its real copper. suck on the thing until you have to take the breathalizer or keep it under your tongue, copper fucks up the machine.

    doesnt matter if the penny is american/canadian. thats the time when the price of copper got higher than the actual penny itself.

    no shit?


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