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Posts posted by johnnay

  1. hahah...korean soap operas...someones got cancer and stuff.

    and chingoo is a good movie.

    im filipino...but i used to hang otu with koreans all the time. theyre down for each other and were willing to fight for the smallest reason. i dont htink theyve grown out of that stage yet or ever will.

    a lot of the older hyungs will straight up ostracize you for msall things like not using to hands to take somethign from them, and stuff...yeah...iono... made it hard to kick it with them.

  2. i'm sure this will be an unpopular suggestion but it's what happened to me in high school so it's the only thing i can offer:

    get good grades, everytime your parents try to be "parent's" (ask about homework, tests, report cards) show them your good grades and tell them to fuck off...eventually they will

    After my first year of doing this, i had total freedom in high school, no curfew, no check-ups on where I was, what I was doing etc...of course I had some help from my older sis who was a fuck-up and was scandalously dating a black guy which was a huuge no-no in my conservative asian family --- they were so busy with her, I slipped under the radar :-) sometimes cultural backwardness works to your advantage

    hey! i know how you feel. its liek that right now. i still live with my parents.

    were kind of older than high school but parents still care. so yeah...haha thank you sister for being a fuck up!

  3. I'm the same way in both friendships and relationships. Is it possible to outgrow people? I wonder.

    its very possible to outgrow people.

    it sucks when you outgrow people, but you realize youre kinda alone still.

    very hard to come back to old group.

  4. I think I bought my pair in April or May and have basically worn them once a day until now. Upon first getting them, I soaked them and they fit great. Now, they're baggy in the legs and waste. My girl's gotten disgusted with the whole thing when she found out I don't actually have more than one pair of them, so in the washer machine they go today.

    Going to do a cold wash with detergent. Should be interesting to see the results. $30 jeans, so I'm not expecting anything like how my APC's and others came out, but we'll see. No starch or anything was used. Hopefully tomorrow I can get pics.

    dont be too sad about the outcome after first wash. keep wearing them...they fade a lot more after the first wash.

    they look better after every wash...surprisingly,,,i have a pair that has managed to stay fairly dark after three washes.

  5. 5 years ago i was making fun on some nerdy white kid in my class...his comeback was "youre bigger than iz!"

    i had no clue what that meant so i jsut shoved him away and walked off thinking i was the better man...until i went home and looked up iz.

    boy did i feel dumb at home. haha fuckin white kid. how the hell did he know who iz was?

    everytime i see that rice krispies commercial using "somewhere over the rainbow" by iz...i die a little bit inside.

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