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Posts posted by johnnay

  1. main connect jsut started picking up form a high times dealer. been having bomb shit lately but at a high times price.

    and my other connect just got rolled. 7oz on him. posession with intent. 50K bail.


  2. Does anyone else notice that dogs like to sniff your jeans if you haven't washed them in a while? Whenever I go to my friend's houses, their dogs always come and sniff my legs, while my friend says "Wow! He likes you!" but in my mind, I know my jeans smell.

    Ahaha...I know this is a stupid post.

    hahah that happened today. the dog kept jumping on me and smelling the jeans. no humping though.

  3. my friends and i were smoking at a park. just so happened there was a police station across the street. we knew it was there but weve smoked there before with no problems so we do the damn thing.

    we just finished up and were walking back and see a cop car pull into the park and drive on teh grass towards our way. one time pulls up to us and asks what we were doing...we said we were playing frisbee. he didnt believe us and asked if we were smokign anything liek...marijuana. it was funny. we had a blutn so we jsut dropped the roach earlier. all the evidence was in our lungs and body.

    i jsut show him my cigarettes and my ID to prove im over 18. and we got off scott free. i was faded talking to the cop and te whole time i was imaginig the cop was one of those gangsters from the old movies like..."yeahhh seee...anyone smoking marijuana ehhhh?"" "frisbeee huhhhhhh?"

    haha i wanted to laugh the whoel time.

  4. i just got a job at mervyns. not really my first chocie but hey its money.

    i stopped smoking for two weeks to try adn clear up my system as much as i could.

    i found out theres no drug test my first day at the job (today). and i feel like i just wasted two weeks of my summer.


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