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Posts posted by johnnay

  1. a long time ago i heard of a collaboration between the two.

    i downloaded a three track sampler from them a long time ago and recently jsut started listening to it.

    i was wondering if anyone on here has heard any news if they came out with anything more or if they have the cd.

    any help would be appreciated.

  2. haha i remember being at a party in high school. around 11:00 a fight broke out between like 2 white guys and 6 korean guys. haha someone threw a plastic chair at someone and it was on...some big dude came out of nowhere knocked the white guy out.

    luckily my friends wernt invovled so i stumbled to the car and drove off quick....as i was leaving i saw the cops tryign to block the street off because apparently someone hit a parked car and the neighbors called that in. hahah frikken awesome.

  3. Trends are cyclical.

    It just sucks when shit you've always been wearing becomes the new "it" thing.

    hahah that reminds me of that episode of doug. and they all watched that new teen show and every week every would wear the clothes that were worn on the show.

    dougs clothes were the "in" thing one week and doug went crazy. i think this was on the bastardized ABC version of the show.

    honk honk!

  4. haha seems liek i cant stop posting.

    i think im gonna have to quit smoking cigarettes if proposition 86 overe here in CA gets passed. a pack is gonna cost like 7 bucks. hopefully a lot of voters smoke and vote no on it.

    saying that...i didnt even register to vote. i keep thinking my vote wont matter and that i dont want jury duty. but yeah...anyway.....im an idiot.

  5. hmm...well i remember seeing my friend in high school just throw his life away.

    went from being an eagle scout and attending church weekly( even involved in the youth groups)...to having a baby at 20 years old with no place to live. im pretty sure he was hooked on everything.

    he got kicked out oif his house cuz he had buyers knocking at his door at 3am lookin for weed, E, coke...whatever.

    im sure my cousin wont get anywhere near that level...he doesnt have the resources...its just...hes lagged enough in life. the way things are right now....it looks liek im gonna get out of community college before he does. so yeah...i dont know...

    i wanna smoke.

  6. based on experience, that's something he'll have to learn himself. if you are seriously concerned about it, tell him once seriously that you don't agree with his level of usage, and if he's cool, he'll respect that. Past that, I wouldn't mention it again, because you're just going to come off as nagging/annoying and that creates a shitty guilt dynamic that you don't want to create between friends (or family in this case). Hassling someone about their drug use just makes them lie about it (this comes from personal experience on both sides of the "you need to slow down" lecture)

    hmm...thanks. i think im just gonna have to mention it one more time and leave it at that.

    good advice though. i didnt wanna say anything cuz he basically copied me on everythign about smoking. he was all trying to learn the lingo and shit. i knew he got to a bad stage when he started getting exicted about picking up and emptying his bank accoutn for that one last sack.

    he tried to tell me the difference between differnt types of weed as if he knew more than me. not to come off arrogant...but wtf...i already know. come on.

    yeah....well...hopefully he learns before he fucks something up.

  7. hm...i feel guilty. i turned my cousin into a pothead in a matter of one month. i smoked him out in the summer just because he said yes. he was tired of the jokes i guess. well yeah...from that night on...it became a nightly thing for us. i was cool with it..but yeah...the same thing over and over. hit up two bowls. drive around for a couple of hours. sit in the car because were too afraid to get out. get scared and shit.

    it all got boring. i quit...but he fell in love with the weed. i always told him... 80% relaxation 20% trips....but its the other way around for him. but he tries to justify saying that he smokes to relax jsut a little bit. i got mad at him when he bought his piece last week, but i didnt hesitate to use it with him. mixed messages i know.

    i dont know....its weird. i wanna tell him to slow down...but i know he wont. hes on some "im older than you ..wahtever" type mentality...but ive experienced way more than him when it comes to things like that. but he doesnt care.....its his life.

    i dont know whether to feel guilty or what...at least its just weed and nothing serious.

    but yeah...ive slowed down alot. went from a nightly thing...to 2-3 times a week. usually after classes to sit at home relax. i actually find it fun to go to borders and read while im high.

  8. haha are you complaining?

    really i think all girls wanna dress up like sluts all the time... but halloween just gives them an excuse to...?

    soudns like mean girls...great movie. you shoudl watch!

  9. LOL masuerte, i hella used to listen to parokya. i don't even know if i want to go back to the philippines.. last time i went i was like a kid and i didn't know better. but i think it'd be cool to see the fam and be treated like royalty for dirt cheap. my pops wants to go back and he wants to make a stop over in japan.. sounds kinda goooood.

    you should definitely go back. its so much fun. jsut a bunch of drinking and seeing family. and more drinking. sometimes drugs if your family gets down like that. haha yeah.

    but...anyone in the LA area gonna go to wowowee on dec 2. i think willie said something about la memorial colliseum december 2. so yeah.

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