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Posts posted by lindt

  1. I would skip Circle Boutique. They have approximately two racks of men's clothing. The store is tiny and is basically a hole in the wall. They really didn't have anything decent last time I checked.

    The only stores worth going to are Denim Bar, Elite Boardshop, Barney's Co-op/H&M if your town doesn't have them.

    I am not sure if this is the cheapest way to do it but what I do is drive to Denim Bar which is easy to get to since it is on the edge of town. Then you can park next door at the Crystal City mall and take the metro from the mall into town. Mall parking is somewhat expensive for a day but it is cheaper than trying to pay for parking in a deck downtown or in Georgetown or something.

  2. Do you guys ever lie awake at night and wonder if you are properly prepared for a zombie invasion? Sometimes I am seriously concerned that should an invasion strike that I would be ill prepared.

    I live on the upper story of a building so that would certainly be in my advantage should I need to setup fortifications against attacks. Also I try to keep at least one month's worth of food supply in my cabinet in case I would need to barricade myself in my room.

    Any thoughts, suggestions or preparations you have made?

  3. I am not a troll.

    darkanimal: can you spell o-v-e-r-k-i-l-l? way too much going on. Those boots and that messenger bag are just silly. if you can afford/find out about n(n) and cloak etc, why would you try to look like a 14 year old goth? Not punk at all.

    penfold: looks pretty good. Am I an asshole because my first instinct is thinking you look good in spite of those tsubis, rather than just plain looking good? yeah, probably.

    jpgm: all of those look really good. excellent taste. A+.

    ktothe: it's good but the second one really does look gay. I think wider stripes and not having the tongues of your shoes out would help. Serious.

    cultpop: now that is a ballsy, 24/7 embrace of hipsterdom you got going, an, uh, I think it deserves some respect. I mean, most people who could be described as "hipsters" wax on and on about how they're not hipsters, swear to god, stick a needle (from their shitty turntable they bought at urban) in their eye, but you just say "fuck it, I like what I like, if you don't, you don't."

    well that's all I feel like saying. Maybe I'll post some pictures sometime.

    why would you sign up just to post this shit

  4. Is the reason for storing t-shirt in drawers to maximize storage space or is because you are worried about the hanging stretching the necks? I have always hung my shirts from hangers because I don't like having fold lines when I wear the shirts but I don't know how much the collars are getting stretched from hanging.

  5. Do they do any nice blazers?

    They only carry a few casual blazers. Normally cotton ones and last season they had a few military style ones. If you are looking for a suit blazer though they have a bunch of those.

  6. Hi does H&M have:

    1. Black Vest

    2. V-neck thin sweater in shades of grey or black

    3. Slim fit shirt in white or black

    4. Stripe tees?

    Please reply if you are able to get em I am very interested.

    H&M carries all of this stuff. He will have to check if they are in stock or not though.

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