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Posts posted by viv1984viv

  1. [quote name=capa;2335337

    Last' date=' I read Ham on Rye a month ago and instantly liked Bukowski. What should I read next by him?[/quote]

    I think Women is a great book, the guy just loves women like he loves drink, he abuses them but just cant stop.

    Ive just read Capitalist Realism great book. scary, too much to say in one post but wow. I'd love to share a good Barolo with Fisher.

    Im thinking about reading A Hero of our Time next - anyone read it??

  2. Agh!! Amazon UK still havent released Imperial Bedrooms, just cant wait, I have it on pre-order so as soon as it arrives ill read it and post a review on the blog.

    I did post a ponderous article looking forward to it on my blog a while back.

    Is the NYTimes article on the website? Any one care to post a link?

  3. I just finished Blood Meridian. Probably one of my favourite books I've ever read. Anyone know of something that deals with violence in a similar way?

    Cannot. off the top of my head think of any american gothic violence that is quite so miltonesque....... mmmm

  4. Really into this whole california skate style - 90s.

    Just kopped Deformer by Ed Templeton

    That's about as fashion as can get right now.

    Vampyr - You care to recommend any magazines, big ones? I think purple has fallen off a tad.....

  5. Have posted a review of one of my favourite books on my Blog. Austerlitz by Sebald is great.

    JT - whos that Chinaski (!) in comparison with others?

    Grim Ryan - I love to have a copy of neuromancer with that cover.

    STFU - whats that like?

  6. Cheers diddles, I've found a decent independent in my town, will check it out soon.

    Its a shame you cant enjoy a cigar indoors many places, ill have to find myself a nice smoking room somewhere is have my Talisker and smoke....

  7. I've been lusting after cigars for a month now. I dont want to smoke ( like ten a day ) but every now and then I do want to enjoy smoking and the taste and ceremony. I've been looking to cigars as a way doing this. I just think a good single malt and a cigar would be nice every now and then. If there are any cigar aficionados out there who can advise a good one to start on for a UK smoker that'd be good.

  8. Just read No Country for Old Men. Interesting how the book follows the sheriff as it's main character yet the movie seems about as true as you can get in an adaptation.

    Watching the film now, its one of the few McCarthys, I havent read, will pick it up soon - coen brothers have that western gothic down to a T.



    Also, I'm finally returning to fiction reading now that school is out. Up first, my last long-ish Russian novel left:


    I'm only on Chapter IV but I love it.

    Dead souls is awesome, stop half if you like, you dont miss much....

    ^I know I will get neg-raped in here... My name is Baeyer-Drewson and I have a problem. I'm a scientist by training, never took a single Arts faculty course (unless you count Psychology 1) at university. I love literature and I read widely but I just can't get into Russian lit.

    Please help me. I'm sure I'm missing out on truly great works. I have Crime and Punishment, as well as Brothers Karazamov, sitting on my shelf. Have tried several times, unsuccessfully, to get into either.

    I think your starting too big, you can obviously handle text but it may be too different for you initially. Try Tolstoys Death of Ivan Iylich and The Double by Dostoevsky....... then move onto to Demons by him ( a gripping and under-rated major work I feel )

    kode9's book.


    Up on that 90's cyberpunk derivative tip - nice nice.

  9. Sorry if this has been asked before, only started following this thread when beatle mentioned things will be confirmed later so i've no idea of the ideas that were thrown around in the beginning.

    I know price is being confirmed later - had any details like cut and finish been confirmed or decided yet?

  10. Hello Sufu, bit of input needed.

    Quarter century through life and im not happy with things, I have an increasing gnawing feeling I should leave england and just start again somewhere far away.

    Has anybody done this? I was thinking of california or NY or paris.

    Thread isn't posted in trash as I want serious input and also I thought elements of culture and lifestyle connect with the theme.

  11. you guys are going to hate me for this but.....

    Is it possible to enjoy a scotch and a cigar and still stay very fit????

    I like scotch and wine and would rather enjoy these with a cigar as opposed to drinking too much beer. I like cycling and squash and going to the gym and have been pretty fit in the years since quitting cigs - are there any none smokers out there who enjoy an occasional cigar and does it affect your fittness level???

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