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Posts posted by sam113

  1. The most requested jean since our 1980 Blacks has arrived!

    The Black New Standard.


    Sorry for the lack of pics- they just came in today.

    We're shooting them now.

    No one else has these, so grab yours quick.

  2. Is context participating in the whole APC "Butler Service" thing?

    Not sure what it is.

    hey ryan... I am interested in buying ALD royston black selvage?

    does it come with 32" inseam?

    btw.... what brand and model of boots that the model wearing?

    it's so good with those ALD


    ALD offers 33" and 35"; we ordered almost all sizes in both.

    Those are the models own boots; not sure of the brand.

  3. Legitimate points all.

    However, I can tell you that without the switch to Chinese production there is absolutely no way that these jeans would retail below $350, much less $300.

    Last seasons ALD was a break-even proposition for us because of their hike in wholesale pricing and rising freight costs. With the cost of shipping what it is now we probably would not be carrying the brand were it not for the switch.

    These factors combined with inflation and the weak dollar make the price remaining static look pretty go to me.

  4. Let me jump in here and say this:

    We have carried ALD for three years now, and the build quality on the Roystons that are made in China is comparable to that of the previous seasons French made cuts.

    Anyone who objects to Chinese production over quality issues would do well to reconsider. Its not the same as it used to be- there is high quality poroduction coming out of China.

    Now, if your objections are over other issues (human rights, politics, etc.), thats another story.

  5. need update, they look fucking awesome. looking at these and the things that they've collected, so fucking epic.

    and I can see my stuff in the pile of things :]


    we also need to summarize everything these jeans have done and everywhere they've been.


    I was thinking we'd compile the mileage too.

    how bout some fit pics, sam?

    Working on it.

  6. Here are a couple shots of the enclosed detritus (I mean that in the most positive way):


    The question is: which item(s) should I put to use?


    The Jeans:



    Some detail shots:


    I'll have to augment the repair on the crotch. I'll post pics upon completion.


    Who oiled the patch again? Nicely done.




    I seem to remember some of us lamenting our slow progress on these jeans, but I think they have come along beautifully.

    A couple months of Wisconsin winter will do these jeans a lot of good.

    Fit pics to come tomorrow.

  7. so has anybody bought these "Wet Coated" Nudies from either Revolve or Context? Context has Joes and Revolve has Jims, they look pretty cool but its hard to tell how coated they are or what they really look like in person.

    They have a light coating similar to the Dry Black Coated, but they also have a slight scraping effect which adds some lighter areas in places. Tonal pocket stitch and a dark color make them a pretty stealthy pair of jeans.

  8. Sam or Ryan:

    Guess I'll just throw another question on the pile. Do you guys plan to keep carrying Atelier La Durance Prescots? I'd love a pair of the Sterling Blue's or Dark Tones.

    Our ALD shipment left France Thursday. It will include their new cut the Royston and Prescott Sterlings, as well as the extremely popular Saddle Belt, shirt and bags.

    So be ready- should be here in the next week.

  9. Just placed a re-order for the two most popular items from this season's S.O.G. collection;

    the Black Wool M65


    and the Waxed Overshirt


    Delivery will be the week of October 13th if all goes according to plan.

    Both items can be ordered now and will be shipped immediately upon arrival.

  10. Nate1492-

    If you do indeed have the Japanese production version of both of these jeans the denim is the same.

    The belt loops are thicker on this season's KMWs (all models) than in previous seasons; good eye.

    I'm thinking you've hit the nail on the head regarding knee bulge. The Rockers are skinnier so you're putting more strain on the knee thus stretching it out more.


    The two cuts are different over the whole jean, not just from the knee down.

    The Rockers have a lower rise and the whole jean is more slim.

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