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Posts posted by beatle

  1. Allright , everybody..

    I feel the need to make this a bit more realistic..

    To know how many people would be up for Samurai 2nd edition - and to know if I can ask them to run a limited SUFU edition - please


    I'll count all pm's that I recvieved untill June 1st...

    Please - no wonna bees and flakers

    If I get 120 pm's - I'll ask Samurai to run a limited SUFU edition...

  2. Morning everybody..

    Once more....I absolutely aprecciate the idea that somebody - who ever - feels free to explore or contact other companies..

    Just do it and let us know what you come up with...

    Samurai has told me that there's gonna be a ltd end of this year - but I've ruled that out since it's gonna be 21 oz...

    As said before - I stay in touch with them - see what they offer..

    And I'd be more than happy to hear some offers regarding other brands...

  3. I don't either...

    I like the idea with the pocket colour on the inside..and selvage pockets...

    Rest assured - I carry your wishes to Samurai..

    But - as I've said before ...if you guys want to go for another brand - that's fine..

    I'm willing to organize Samurai second edition - and mostly because I am absolutely convinced of their product.

    I have yet to see a better jeans...

  4. Well - the most interesting thing woul be a limited edition- with something that the rest of the released jeans don´t have...

    Like the serial number - or a special edition - or something like a collab...

    The price for most japanese jeans is around 200 - 250 $ - including Samurai...

    So yes - if samurai for instance is willing to think about a ltd - why not ?

  5. i'd like a contest were you could choose any jean you'd like, as long as it was raw, and then play as usual from a set date. after a year it could be a nice source to see what jean X looks like after X months compared to jean Y and Z, and also what jean you think look the best after a year, etc. so, easy to find your next jean judging by fade properties etc. i like. but thats just me. i understand the concept of everyone wearing the same jean too.

    But that´s not a contest ....that´s what´s happening in the evolution thread every day


  6. Allright.. I am talking to Toshiko right now about the possibility of another contest.

    I want to find out if there´s another ltd edition planned - and if so, what...

    The other possibility would be a Samurai SUFU collab , but that does depend on the number of contestents...

    I really don´t know @ this point - but I´ll investigate the possibilities...

    I agree that we should go for another pair of indigos , and due to the summer climat issue it should´nt be too heavy denim...

    If we really decide to go Samurai again, I´d be willing to go through the hassle of organizing it - if we decide for some other brand , I might join, but I´d be hoping that someone else will be pulling the strings.

    There also is the possibility of having a Samurai contest every year - and an independig SUFU denim contest ..

  7. Allright , so there are some ppl that would be intersted in doing it all over again..

    I was gonna talk to Toshiko - see if they have anything planned as far as another ltd edition..Or maybe they could make SUFU Samurai collab...

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