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Posts posted by beatle

  1. Man , I know that ticks are dangerous - but only - and I mean only - if the bite you..

    Check urself in the shower - brush of your Jeans ....I take them off of my dog every day..

    Fly over here - the low pressure in the airplane will kill them - if not , I'll check you thouroughly....

  2. Man - don´t make a big deal out of this..

    Tick bites you - go see a Doctor

    Tick walks around on your Jeans - go take a picture...

    I´ve had so many of them due to walking the dog - They´re harmless unless inside your skin...

  3. Allright , guys , let's not get carried away...

    Handing over the Jeans personally could get a lot more expensive ...Or maybe you guys want to pay for my trip to London...

    BTW - saving the package and the stamps - gives us a lot more interesting proof for where they have been...

    And not washing ?? I really love you guys - but that could get gross...

    If they smell - I'd have to wash them anyway ...can't wear them stinky...

    So , which Jeans is it gonna be ??

  4. miz-NYC


    almond crush-new jersey


    You got to split it up here - or DDML will just walk them over to Poly...

    maybe ddml - headtowall - and than Poly


    headtowall-west virginia






    digital denim- san fransisco

    Just a thought...

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