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Posts posted by choice_genes

  1. Tapered from the outseam (selvedge) from the knee down. Hem opening is now 19cm (before, it was 20cm).

    Sorry about the dodgy pics, but hopefully it gives you an idea of how they turned out:



    (this is how the selvedge seam looks now - more space between the two redlines)


    (note - the image above is taken from an angle, they look a little bit slimmer in the photo than they do in real life I think...)


    (note - this image was taken with the flash on)

    Hope this helps bro!

    I would say go for it! Do it from the outseam like I have. They still fall perfectly, and that way you don't have to fuck with the really nice stitching on the inseam.

  2. I'm gunna buck the male trend here and say that I wear a light cologne - it's by Frederik Malle, pretty obscure, and smells like bitter citrus/lime. Trying to be consistent with it (like you were saying above Jane), but every now and then I'll skip a day and wear something else, or nothing...

    That said, my jeans are also taking on their own scent...and with the Australian summer comin on (35C today!), I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to last without a wash...

  3. I have been in a funk band for about 3 years now. It's mad fun. My advice:

    * The drums and bass are the two most important instruments (I'm a trumpeter, so no bias here...). Make sure you guys spend a lot of rehearsal time just locking in a good groove. It's the best part of funk music.

    * Yeah, breakestra rule. But also, go back to the original breaks. James Brown, Sly and the Family Stone, Herbie Hancock ('Headhunters' and 'Thrust' are the two best IMO). And new-school wise, you should check out all the soulaquarian's stuff (it's a production team with dudes like Questlove, D'Angelo, Roy Hargrove...). So look for Voodoo by D'Angelo, Mam's Gun by Erykah Badu, Hard Groove by Roy Hargove and the RH Factor.

    * A good front-man is a beautiful thing. You need someone to work the crowd a bit, to get them on the floor. He doesn't have to be able to sing that well, just say some corny lines like 'Everybody say all right if you wanna get funked up tonight' (and then get the crowd to say 'alright') etc.

    Good luck with it! You guys will have a lot of fun.

  4. @ Matay - yeah Genki's a great store! There's always good quality product (their Tees rule!), and the staff are lovely as well. Lame as it sounds, it's a really happy place.

    @ Hap - oh yes, a can of worms has been opened! :-) man I hate that Industrie crap. Although you woulnd't be wrong in saying that that is what the majority of young males are wearing here...depressing stuff.

  5. My favourites:



    Re Tsubi - I like their cuts and washes, but they are so played out here (Melbourne, Aus). Also, they don't strike me as being a very long-lasting product, either material-wise or fashion-wise - you can always tell last seasons' washes...

  6. Canice I know I'm like the 10th person to say it, [but you can never get too much love right?] - I love your outfit on the last page. Especially the way you rock the 4s, really caps it off.

    Cult - it's been a while since you did it but I thought I'd say I really like your look post-moustache. Much cleaner :)

    Mike Lowrey - really dig that dries scarf man. Polka dots are the shit, and that guy always uses the most beautiful and subtle colours. Love it man.

  7. I really dig the slim fit that bartorizer and Mr Calvin Oscar are getting with their Skulls!

    I was just wondering, do they stretch out much to be comfortable, or do they stay really tight? [bartorizer, you might not know yet since you just got yours...].

    What other jeans do you guys own? (For sizing comparisons).

  8. I have a pair of dukes and had a pair of RRDS a couple of years ago. IMO the denim used in each is almost identical (might even been from the same mill). Nudie's constuction is good, but the dukes are slightly better. They are a very solid pair of jeans.

    As far as the fit of the duke, I'm a pretty slim guy. I got mine reasonably tight in the waist (now stretched out a bit, but I don't need a belt), and they fit slim, but definitely not skinny like a pair of super-slim kims or lee supatubes. They're roughly like a slim jim. And yeah they look better when you taper them in a little bit (otherwise they fall like a bootcut IMO). Hope this helps.

  9. @ Ockid: lol, nah man I'm Australian (half Irish, quarter Italian, quarter Scottish)! I've been wondering who the fuck my avatar was. I stole him off some guy on myspace. I just thought it was a classic photo.

    Diamond - I really dig your t-shirt. Is the brand called "minimalism"? Where did you get it? Can you post their web-site or something? I've done a bit of a search and come up with nothing. Cheers bro.

  10. apu - since this thread is becoming a dior/imperial thread...

    I just had my imperials (duke 30s) tapered in from nearly 20cm to 19cm. I had it done from the outseam (so pulling the selvedge seams further apart). It looks good. The jeans still fall well, and they look a bit slimmer down the bottom now, which is cool. I think if you're only tapering in 1cm, it's cool to do it from the outseam. But any more than that and you'll need to do it from the inseam, or maybe even from both. Otherwise it will look wack!

    Good luck with it.

    Re assin - yeah I've only been in there a coupla times, maybe I've just had bad experiences. It is a kind of imposing space though. Very large, sales staff to customers ratio is too high IMO. I sometimes feel like they're watching me like hawks! (same deal around the corner at chiodo).

  11. Chaps - they look pretty good man! But yeah, whether they're worth the money or not is completely different question. I reckon if the imperial 29s fit, you should get em. (If you're anxious to try them, Buddylove called me yesterday to tell me that they got their stock in, INCLUDING some 29s...).

    And yeah, re imperial sizing, chapital is spot on about my experiences. I wear nudie 29s comfortably. Most people in the imperial thread would say i needed a 31. But the 30 has been totally fine. I would say size up 1" from nudie, rather than 2".

    Re assin's service, yeah I don't like going into that place. The sales staff either totally ignore you (because you're wearing nikes and are therefore scum), or they follow you round the whole time. That's been my experience anyway.

  12. Played a dj gig, which was going pretty well. And then...

    It was my last one at the venue, and the bar-man was keeping me a little too well stocked. 4 beers later, I am well on my way (combination of not drinking much recently and low tolerance), and the bar-man's like, 'hey dude I got a present for you'. He proceeds to line up two shots of tequila and vanilla (great stuff).

    About 10 minutes later, I'm finishing up my set, talking to these two swedish girls (one of them was fucking nice, the other was not too bad either). One of them (the not bad one) is asking me, 'so what are you doing after this?'. Clearly interested. And then the shots hit me. 'Err...excuse me for a sec'. I rush to the bathrooms and puke for a while. Yeah, I've got mad pick-up skillZ.

    So I missed out on a potential threesome with two swedish girls. AND I somehow lost my $50 pay on the way home as well...damn.

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