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Posts posted by headtowall

  1. Lookin damn nice headtowall.

    But its also good to know now that im winning the contest icon10.gif

    Yours also look like they're gonna rip in the crotch also...any plans to do anything about it?

    I'm not admitting defeat til I see some evidence.

    And yeah, the crotch is starting to give. There are two small holes on either side.

    I'd like to do something about it, but I'm not much of a seamster, and that 45rpm link seems to be gone.

  2. does anyone know where to find measurements for these in a size 31? BIG only puts up measurements of sizes they have in stock. I'm trying to figure out whether to go with these or the xx-003, i want something that fits similarly to my eternals

    Are we talking Dior x Eternals? If so, I'd say get the 005.

  3. Same SD103s from pg 83 after travelling for a week, unloading a van and playing shows in, writhing around underneath the van to figure out what's leaking, etc. Pics taken with natural light plus a flash, and I only adjusted the levels... I didn't really jack the contrast all that much. They got hella stinky. I can't wait to tour for 6-8 weeks.

    Those are amazing. I wish I was still going on tour this month. On the bright side, I save some money that can be put towards more unnecessary purchases.

  4. They've been broken up for a while now but they were really a fantastic band--fantastic live show. I saw a pretty early show of theirs and absolutely floored me. A lot of bands try to do the godspeed/mogwai + punk sound and end up sounding like crap.

    Quicksand-Nice! Rival Schools were fun too.

    Yeah this situation was like 3 or maybe 4 years ago. Luckily I was able to see them a number of times.

  5. work playlist - somewhat related to mid/late 90's emo

    -city of caterpillar - s/t, i forgot how rad this record is! ("when was the last time we painted oer the blood on the walls" is especially awesome)

    -some random assistant & you and i songs

    -engine down - under the pretense of present tense

    -sunny day real estate's diary during my morning commute

    by the way, does anyone remember forstella ford and seven days of samsara?

    I remember it was a Tuesday. I was at some diner with friends, talking about music, and I said something like "you know, I think City of Caterpillar is my favorite band that's still around. I haven't seen them in a while, so I'm looking forward to that show on Friday."

    Then Wednesday, there's a bulletin on some site saying that they broke up and the previous night was their last show and that they won't be releasing any of their new material. Awesome.

  6. I ordered from him when he initially started the service in late summer. The item was sold out, and he promptly refunded my money.

    Then, he let me know when it was restocked and I've since ordered again. He even offered to sell me the one he bought for himself if it was sold out when he went to the store.

    Luckily it didn't come to that, and my Loopwheeler sweatshirt is on the way. Thanks!

  7. Did anyone buy a size 36 for this competition? if yes, please pm me.

    Your name makes me think of " Beneneneh neh Neh nenehnehneh boodooDOO oohoooh ooh wow beded boodoodoo bedoow"

    Unless it's in reference to something else, in which case nevermind.

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