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Posts posted by jwied82

  1. i tried on those h&m jeans sliq jeans, as well as some other pairs last time i went to h&m. i didnt care for the fits of them at all. even on the sliq (which is a slim cut), the thighs were too wide so there was too much extra room at the back of the leg just below the pockets and in the seat. The denim wasnt bad for a $40 pair, and they had several different cheap raw or near raw pairs in different denims, but id rather pay 150+ for nudies or JRs and get a fit that i think looks alot better on me.

    Also, h&m has some absolutely atrocious jeans at the moment.. sure its nice they are trying raw denim and slimmer cuts, but some of their are so overdone... i suppose if theres enough people

    out there who'll buy them, thats all they care about...

  2. ah, thats kinda what i guessed, but i wasnt sure. caliroots and zoovillage are the only webstore ive found carrying them. I thought about making making a CM order from caliroots (jeans, shoes, couple shirts) but i thought the shipping was too high.. even though the stuff would still be rather cheap because its inexpensive to start with, its more just the principle of not wanting to feel ripped off on shipping.

  3. Quote:

    what would be considered low-rise? i mean obviously it would depend on the jean but do you think this would be accurate:

    low - 9

    mid - 10.5

    reg - 11

    high - 12


    --- Original message by mass on May 7, 2006 06:59 PM

    thats a pretty subjective thing. I consider anything over 10.5 to be high, 8.5 and under low. 9-10.5 mid.
  4. Quote:

    Comme Des Garcons Sweater...i can't decide wether or not i want to sell this, it doesnt fit but i like it so muchicon_smile_dissapprove.gif

    Gap Long Sleeve

    Helmut Lang Raw Jeans

    Alife Slips


    --- Original message by Carl on May 7, 2006 01:57 PM

    Id say sell it, in my opinion. Its look like a good sweater, but doesnt fit you well... it looks very wide, and the arms look huge!
  5. During mid summer, it gets damn hot and humid here, so ive seriously been contemplating wearing short shorts during the height or summer this year... something like the american apparel PE shorts or poplin shorts... partly because they are comfortbale and partly because people will probably react comically to them (laughing, pointing, spewing generic insults)... anyone else wear anything like this when its super hot out?

  6. yeah... i got a pair of bootcut olas from kitchener for $130 shipped. Took about 15 days to get them. They seem to carry alot of ralf, ola, sven, but not the skinnier nudie jeans :(

  7. how do you say fos5 is very expensive?

    They sell at US retail values, and have free shipping... same as revolve clothing..

    if you have to pick between the 2, go fos5 for sure.. mattias is a great guy and is doing nudie fans in the US a great service.

    But... tell me more about this new customer 30% off coupon code.. i ordered some shoes from there a few weeks ago, that would have helped for sure!

  8. I think the jeans you have on in the pic are not bad.. as everyone else pointed out, its the top that makes things look off. If you do go slimmer with your jeans (which i agree you should), then id say itll be really important to get proper fitting tops to complete the look.

    Also, based on what you say you want in jeans, nudie straight sven may be a good option, if you can find it in a 26. Also, look into the APC hipster.. its readily available in small sizes, has a low-rise (which you said you like), and its not tapered at all.. its basically a straight leg, but not a super wide straight leg.

  9. yes, i was thinking the same thing too.. i bought a couple pairs of paper denim back in 2002 and I liked them both alot, though i dont wear them any longer (mainly because they are tooo big for me now).. anyway, i remember their price point being like 130-160 back then, not $200

    Too tell the truth, i think pd&c is kinda underrated in that i find their washes and fits superior to their premium denim competitors (or at least they were back then).. of course, they made some bad pairs too... but most high price jeans companies have

  10. Quote:

    strangely all of my friends like the other album, dead cities, red seas, & lost ghosts better.

    i really like how cheesy and saturated the synths feel on before the dawn heals us. always reminds me of blade runner.

    glad to see quite the few people resonating similar tastes (glitchy autechre, aphex twin, drone khanate and sunn0))), liking the finntroll video, city of caterpillar, chain of strength, red sparrowes, joni mitchell, go team.)


    really been into death from above 1979 of late. can't stop listening to their bloc party cover, Luno.

    --- Original message by dystaind on Mar 14, 2006 03:27 AM

    in my opinion, dead cities... is a far superior album to before the dawn heals us... though i say this probably for the same reasons you say you like before the dawn heals us better (cheesier and more saturated). I find dead cities to be emotionally powerful, while before the dawn heals us is a little hollow in that respect. Apparently one of the 2 members of m83 quit the project between the two albums, so before the dawn heals us was basically just a solo project for the remaining member
  11. chris.. tell us what you're wearin! your outfits always looks good, i wanna know what it is...

    also, i like the way your t-shirts appear to be pretty long, yet not too loose/wide in the torso.. how do you get this fit? Most of the time, when i find a t i like the general fit of they are shorter than i would like.

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