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Icicle Cubicle

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Posts posted by Icicle Cubicle

  1. probably been posted in the past, but i think its worth it.

    kinda like the above vid, but a lot more flow. plus the soundtrack is perfect. "bandwitch" by BSS.


    also, one of my favorite short vids from Japan. great edit. Freedomlab promo featuring THE freshest Kalavinka i've ever seen:



  2. what do you guys think of the whole Swedish indie pop dealy? i know its been happening for a long time now, but ive noticed a lot of people getting into it after PB&J blew up. personally im digging on bands like: loveninja, radio dept., i'm from barcelona, club 8, legend, acid house kings and a few other labrador recording artists.

  3. Death From Above 1979 = indie rock?

    That's my take on it. I don't listen to music "because it's cool", I listen to it because I like it.

    Anybody heard of Wintersleep? Fucking amazing. Best band in Canada right now, in my opinion.

    Silversun Pickups is good, and gonna give more recommendations to Spoon and Arcade Fire.


    Kill The Lights

    Sea Wolf


    Brian Borcherdt

    City & Colour

    DFA 1979 (they're dead now tho)


    Gentleman Reg

    TV On The Radio

    Jim Guthrie

    Mono (the Japanese band, not the US)


    Royal City

    St. Vincent

    The National

    The Sadies (kind of rockabilly sounding)

    Not many of these sound like Modest Mouse, but that's okay. All good bands/artists in my opinion.

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