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Icicle Cubicle

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Posts posted by Icicle Cubicle

  1. AMAZING stuff in here...

    i was going to post things from my wall, but thought i'd share these with u guys first.

    so, i had made these stuffed creatures.


    and i gave this bird-like thing to Sebastien from DFA 1979 (rip). i got a hug and thanks in return.




    I also made a bunny & gave it to Albert Hammond jr during one of his shows. Bunny rocked out in his pocket during the entire concert. I then saw Albert at another show and he had mentioned the bunny on stage which he brought to interviews and named it Rupert.

    youre king for that shit. seb is THE man on the drums/vox. all hail you.

  2. i believe the important question is- at what age is a dude too old to be inserting things into a girl with the word "teen" still attached to the end of her age? (disclaimer: im referring more toward the NINEteen end of the teen scale)

    (further disclaimer: my girl is currently 26. this is more of a distant future / mid-life crisis reference sort of thing) ;)

    (final disclaimer: no creepy)

  3. keirin b ikes are played.. that shit is like 2 years ago!

    there are some good knobby 27c tires out there. nashbar had some with studs for icy conditions.

    not so. at least not from my standpoint. been following the sport for years now. keirin racing has been around for 5 DECADES, let alone 2 years. only trends get played.

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