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Posts posted by chizzua

  1. I just bought two tubs of Sebastian Crude Clay.. tried it once, still haven't figured out how to use it to achieve my desired hair style of messy/tousled/jpoppish. Any suggestions?

  2. Rinse, Repeat

    Teen girl #1: Wait, so you just let him do you in the butt? You let him sodomize you?

    Teen girl #2: It wasn't bad. I couldn't shit for a few days, though. So I took some laxatives, then I shit myself in the mall yesterday.

    When people say things while I'm passing them, I usually talk loudly and say something somewhat related-- my friends find it funny. I used to say dumb shit in public places with my ex just to make a scene/see reactions sometimes too..

  3. Usually you will be asked technical questions general to your field of work, maybe a riddle or two, and even to write some code on the spot. Make sure to explain your thought process while you are answering the question even though you may not know the correct answer. They think the ability to think outside the box is a very important characteristic in their employees. A master's degree would be helpful, but it is not the most important thing. Experience/previous projects even open source ones seem to be a major selling point.

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