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Posts posted by chizzua

  1. My hair is really thin... any lower ceaser would've been pretty bad looking. You can basically see my whole scalp, plus I look like a baby. I sorta liked the long color at the time. I ended up cutting it all off, though. Faux hawk was basically the last haircut I got during the semester break. It's grown to the point where it doesn't work now, I refuse to get a haircut at school. Looking for something new/different. I don't know if I can go to my current stylist and say "Do something new that you think looks good." in fear that I won't like it. Can anyone recommend exceptional stylist that I can trust to do something like that in the NYC area that won't cost an arm and a leg?

  2. It's been done... let me post pics of some diff hairstyles. Starting with the most recent. I'm missing a couple because I really didn't like to take pictures. The quality is bad on most of them because they're mostly webcam/camera phone pics. Also, most of the haircuts I get because I can change what I do with them so it isn't repetitive. I'm missing a bunch of cuts in the past couple years, too... I'll post them later if I happen to come across the pictures. It seems like I always end up going to a spikey-haired look, which I'm so sick of... anyways--












  3. I can't even wear beanies.. if I take them off even when my hair is long it looks disgusting.

    Oh yea, I want a haircut that doesn't require too much maintenance either. Does anyone know of any good flexible hold hair products that actually work without making your hair all disgusting? I'm not really feeling the hair of the guy with the cigarette. Not my style.. I would try and get some J-Pop-ish hair but I don't have 2 hours everyday to do my hair nor can I figure out how they get their hair to stay like that... Any other suggestions?

  4. dmx

    I got blood on my hands and there's no remorse

    I got blood on my dick cuz I fucked a corpse

    jim jones

    twinkle twinkle


    I get the boasters boasting, I get computers puting

    Y'all get shot at, call me, I do the shooting

    I do the recruiting, I tutor the students

    I nurture they brain, I'm moving the movement

    Whether buddist or budah, that's judist or juda

    I got luger to ruger, hit from +Roota to Toota+

    Chick from hooter to hooter, I put two in producers

    I'm the real boss story, the hoolah of hoosiers

    I rock mostly dosey, I roll mostly dololy

    I'll leave you wholy, holy, you'll say "Holy Moly"

    Here come the coroner get 'em, play "Rolly Poley"

    I'll tell you true stories, how I coldly hold heat

    When it's repping time, I get on extra grind

    Fried to fricassee, pepperseed to pepperdine

    Jeff Hamilton, +Genesis+, leather time

    Bitches say I'm the man, I tell 'em "Nevermind"

    young dro

    50 references of cars he owns in every song

  5. style it like a white boy.

    I tried. My hair is too straight :\

    but again the parts u want long, you should probably just let long strands grow out instead of a bunch of short, medium layers running down (giving the illusion of length). after you've managed to grow out the long strands for the silhouette then have them thin it out/layer/wisp/chop or whatever they call it. the problem is obviously the inbetween stage between short/long cause it does look stupid/poofy.

    I can't really picture it at all, but yea I hate how my hair looks in the growing stage. =[

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Anything else?

  6. I shaved it off in September. I grew it back and it was pretty long-- then I got another cut which was short layers/faux-hawk-ish. Now, it's growing back about an inch/inch and a half long depending on the position in my head. My camera is dead, and I can't find my charger, otherwise I'd take pictures. Any other suggestions?


    I think I'd look pretty stupid with an actual Mohawk, and if it does look bad-- I'd have to shave it all off to fix it.

  7. Command line is just windows button + R.

    The networking wizard is a one-time thing so it's not that bad is it? I have no problem with switching wireless connections on my laptop. I agree Office 2007 is really a great improvement. The search feature makes all those clicks unnecessary. Why not just use the search?

  8. Nah, UAC is pretty annoying.

    I don't really understand what your gripes about the Interface and networking are all about. The interface is an improvement over XP, are you using Aero and chaned the Window color and all that? The networking isn't that much different, either.

    What do you think runs more efficiently, XP or Vista?

  9. There's some requirements for the type of flash drive you can use I believe. I think it's 20mb/s read capability. For people with 2GBs or more of RAM the difference is negligible. I'm not sure how the Flash Drive/RAM conversion goes but I'm pretty sure it's not 1:1, meaning that 2GB flash wouldn't be 2GB of RAM. I'm almost positive that the Flash drive is mostly used for cache-- but improvements would still be noticeable. Other features I forgot to mention were-- virtual Folders, .zip compatibility(no need to download winZip any more but I still use 7-zip), better networking, and the Run is replaced with the program dialog box which is the same as the search feature.

    One of my favorite things about Vista are thumbnail windows previews. It's not really much, but I think it's useful. On the taskbar if you highlight a program you can see a preview of the window in a little box.

    One thing I don't like is how slow iTunes runs in Vista. It seems that Apple's coding doesn't fair too well in Vista. I've been forced to start using WMP11 which is decent but could use some added functionality. Audio themes have also been added which are nice, but some of them are pretty dumb. I think the audio quality seems better on Vista than XP as well. Those with IntelHD will be very pleased with the quality of their sound.

    A couple of things that they took out of Vista are Windows Messenger,and integration with IE, which I found refreshing. But, they took away Pinball. :(

    Why the hell do I have to verify launching the event viewer and services or anything else in control panel each any time. They should just have a privilage mode a la root.

    You can turn User Account Control(UAC) off. Run msconfig, go to Tools, disable UAC, Launch-- reboot.

    Networking is retarded now, it was fine before, why break it. It was much easier to configure my interfaces, share my folders in xp.

    I think turning UAC off will make this much easier as they won't ask for so many permissions. Have you tried the P2P sharing over Vista?

  10. The interface is much improved from XP. Compatibility with some programs is still not available which is somewhat annoying. They've added a couple of useless features (Tablet PC Tools, annoying administrative security pop-ups) and a couple of very nice features(Laptop Cyenter[Press windows key + x], 3D Alt-tab[windows key + tab]. Driver support is not up for alot of devices-- I can't even print on Vista. nVidia nor ATI has come up with decent drivers for Vista either so playing games is a hassle. For computers with not so great performance, there's the ability to use Flash drives as extra RAM which I thought would be very useful. The new searching is also very nice as well. It runs and starts up faster than XP in my opinion as well. Security in Vista is good, however I don't have much to compare it to as I have never had security problems with my computer even in XP as I scan regualrly. Overall, Vista is an improvement over XP, however they still need to work on basic things like driver support and and program support. There are many useless services/utilities/programs that come with a fresh install but can be easily overcome with basic registry tweaks to custmize your experience. For most people (especially those who are not remarkably computer savvy), I would recommend to wait to upgrade to Vista. I'm still triple-booting Ubuntu Linux, XP, and Vista myself. However, I use Vista mostly on an everyday basis because it is prettier and more efficient in the routine tasks I have to do.

    You need a pretty fast pc to run it. Most people need to upgrade, including me.

    Better to buy a Mac, that's what I gonna do.


    The only two reasons you would need a faster PC to run Vista then XP would be Aero-glass(which is mostly dependent on your video card and is not at all necessary) and maybe the new search feature on the start tab. However, if you have a decent amount of ram (1GB isn't too expensive these days and usually comes standard) there should be no problem in running Vista. Dual cores run Vista exceptionally well, even the low-end ones. So, if you can't run Vista atleast well enough to be usable, you'll probably need to upgrade your system regardless.

  11. Alright, so I have typical asian hair-- pinstraight, black.. I've done alot of different hairstyles-- fauxhawk, straight spikey, piecey and messy, long-ish with layers and too many others to name. But now I wanna try something new but I have no idea what to get. Also, I'm at college now so I don't really get a chance to get my hair cut all too much because I don't trust any of the local hair stylists. So, I'd prefer a cut that would still look good if it were grown out for a month or two, but it isn't a requirement. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your input!

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