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Posts posted by TheGrapist

  1. I got the order, thanks! I'll fill it out sometime before Monday afternoon (which is when AA would actually fill out the order anyway!)

    And as for the retail pricing comment, I'm a bit confused. The retail prices I listed where from the AA website, are they higher where you are?

    Edited by TheGrapist on Apr 29, 2006 at 08:19 PM

  2. <u>Women's line and accessories</u>



    AA1803-The Backstage Tee

    $12 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: Vintage black, Vintage white, Vintage red, Vintage navy


    AA2608-Burnout Tee

    $15 each (retail: $28)

    Colors: washed cherry, washed gold, washed pink,washed orange, White, Washed Green, Washed Navy, Washed Black


    AA5093-Sheer Inside out Tee

    $13 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: sky, grapefruit, white, black, iris, pink, limeade, storm, grass,chocolate


    AA5075-Sheer School Girl

    $14 each (retail: $28)

    Colors: black, white, mint, bananna, naked


    AA5018-Sheer Tunic

    $15 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: black, white, mint, bananna, naked


    AA4026-Basic Camo Tee

    $10 each (retail: $20)

    Colors: camo brown, camo green, camo grey


    AA4024-Tonal Camo Tee

    $10 each (retail: $20)

    Colors: tonal camo pink, tono camal yellow, tono camal grapefruit, tono camal blue, tono camal grass


    AA4022-Over Dyed Camo

    $10 each (retail: $20)

    Colors: camo greeb, camo pink, camo blue, camo orange


    AA1974-Vintage Heather PE tee

    $11 each (retail: $22)

    Colors: Grey Heather


    AA393-Capped Sleeve Crew Tee

    $9 each (retail: $18)

    Colors: grass, black, azaela, bananna, Powder Blue,aqua,Chocolate, naked, gold, mint, lightNavy, grapefruit, iris, fatigue, cherry, kelly, white, Pink, army, limeade, storm


    AA391-Striped Capped Sleeve

    $10 each (retail: $21)

    Colors: pink/chocolate, cherry/powder, grass/azaela, grapefruit/naked, sky/limeade


    AA396-Reverse Raglan

    $10 each (retail: $21)

    Colors: grass, white, black, sky, pink, chocolate

    <a href="http://alternativeapparel.com/default.aspx?id=82&CategoryID=22&ProductID=189

  3. <u>Male line and accessories</u>



    AA1805-The Backstage Tee

    $12 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: Vintage black, Vintage white, Vintage red, Vintage navy


    AA2606-Burnout Tee

    $15 each (retail: $28)

    Colors: White, Washed Green, Washed Navy, Washed Black


    AA4003-Basic Camo Tee

    $10 each (retail: $20)

    Colors: Camo Grey, Camo Green, Camo Brown


    AA1973-Vintage Heather P.E. Tee

    $15 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: [iGrey Heather[/i]


    AA05-Basic Crew Tee

    $9 each (retail: $18)

    Colors: Lt. Navy, Kelly, Powder Blue, Army, Chocolate, Dark Red, Dark Navy, Stone, Gold, Storm, Tangerine, Pink, Black, White Silver


    AA5005-Reverse Crew Tee

    $15 each (retail: $24)

    Colors: Black,White, Storm, Chocolate, Olive


    AA08-Basic Ringer Tee

    $9 each (retail: $19)

    Colors: Gold/Kelly, Chocolate/Powder Blue, Lt. Navy/Powder Blue, Maroon/brown mustard,Tangerine/Navy, white/black, white/navy, chocolate/powder blue, maroon/brown mustard, gold/kelly, powder blue/cherry, tangerine/navy,lt. navy, powder blue, kelly/tangerine


    AA337-Contrast Stitch Crew Tee

    $9 each (retail: $19)

    Colors: Army/rust, blacksalt/white,chocolate/tangerine, lt. navy/cherry,powder blue/navy,brown mustard/rust,


    AA2002-Heathered Ringer

    $10 each (retail: $19)

    Colors: Navy Heather, Black salt heather, army heather, dark brown heather, maroon heather


    AA3206-V-Neck Tee

    $9 each (retail: $???)

    Colors: Black, storm, chocolate, white


    AA2021-Heathered Crew Tee

    $8 each (retail: $18)

    Colors: chocolate heather, gold heather, sky heather, kelly heather, storm heather

    Long-Sleeve Shirts:

    <a href="http://www.alternativeapparel.com/default.aspx?id=82&CategoryID=13&ProductID=221" target="_blank">http://www.alternativeapparel.com/default.aspx?id=82

  4. In addition to having a wholesale account with American Apparel, I have one set up for Alternative Apparel and Article.1 (thread to follow soon). Pretty much the same rules apply to all three, which I will just copy paste from my first thread right below:

    Shipping works as follows:


    Up to six items: $8

    Up to 10 items: $10

    Ten items or more: Please contact me for now at first, as I do more orders, I'll have a good idea of how much to charge

    International (for Global Priority, for Global Express, PLEASE contact me)

    Up to 6 items: $17 for Canada, $18 for all destinations elsewhere

    Up to 10 items: $21 for Canada, $22 for all destinations elsewhere

    10 items or more: See above

    I order stuff based on what shows up in my Paypal. When you send me payment, please please please please please do the following:

    1) Include your order (with item numbers)

    2) Include your forum name

    3) Remember to tell me which sizes you want

    Sometimes things are out of stock in a particular color/size/style. Please let me know if you would rather delay the shipment, or let me substitute with a similar color.

    Contact: [email protected]

    Paypal: [email protected]

    Also my instant messenger thing is in my profile so if you need advice on what to order or want an update on what's happening just message me and I'll be happy to help you out.

  5. Quote:

    they shrink down to tagged size

    --- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 03:09 PM

    Do you know if I got a pair and were to say, wash or soak them in warmer water, would they shrink a bit more? Like say instead of a 30w, a 29.5 or so?

    Edited by TheGrapist on Apr 26, 2006 at 03:36 PM

  6. It's a good thing that this subject has never been brought up before. Nor is there a guide on the main page that maps out just about every store in NYC.

    (You've never heard of Bloomingdales, Barneys, Saks 5th Avenue, Atrium or Scoop?)

  7. Hah, I just went to the Chelsea Co-op on Wednesday to try on the Max and Mic as well.

    Seriously, I tend to think of myself as being quite thin, but I couldn't even get the jeans past my CALVES, both size 29 and 30. Never had that problem before, and I wear New Standards in sz 27!

    However, the Mic's in sz 29 fit perfectly.

  8. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

    Back when Levi's sold only unwashed jeans, they were measured in their unwashed, natural state, as you would expect. You wash them, and they shrink one or two inches in the waist. That's why there's a card on every pair of unwashed Levi's telling you how to properly size.

    Also, you're used to brands that vanity size. Diesel and such say they're a 30 when they're really a 32. That's why you're seeing such a big jump.

  9. Earnest Sewn's stand alone store, An Earnest Cut and Sewn, will make custom jeans, and they have a pretty nice denim selection. If I had money to burn, I'd probably do it. However, I'm pretty sure that as long as you're not some odd size, you'll be able to find whatever you're looking for from some company or another already made.

  10. They definitely have some give to them. As I said, they're currently at two inches below the tagged size, and I tried stretching out one pair, and it easily have a half an inch just by pulling, not even putting them on. They'll stretch out an inch at least, wouldn't be surprised if they stretched out by even more.

  11. They're pre-soaked dry jeans. No abrassions, but some pairs are stiffer than others. You may need some starch. Either way, as I said before, if you're going to spend money on the Line Dry, the XX's will be about the same price, and will use better denim.

  12. Quote:

    wow those did wear fast...so should i soak first or not?

    thanks for the pics btw

    --- Original message by Becks23 on Mar 26, 2006 12:07 AM

    Don't soak them. Actually, if you can, I'd recommend picking up some Fulton XX's, they should be about the same price, maybe a bit cheaper. Fully dry, using Japanese denim. If you can't find any, I'd be willing to pick them up at an Earnest Cut and Sewn when I pick up mine next week.
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