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Posts posted by NESK
Homeless and crazies are a major attraction in terms of where I wanna live, not kidding.
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forget how to imbed but:
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i will be once the internet tells me to be, so FUCK YEAH!
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That loopty loop camera through the legs shit is bananas in pajamas.
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99% of the novels meat is in the narrative content. Which would be hard to work into dialogue given the sentences could go on for pages in the novel. Also, if you employed voiceover, it would detract from the brilliance of the prose because you'd be mentally juggling image and that stream of consciousness 'from every where at once' type of obsessive rambling and it would confuse way too many people. I doubt IJ ever worked even as an audio book for the simple fact that every other sentence requires a reread just to make sure your getting it right.
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My dude, it may be the photo quality, but did you just take a hot ass home iron too a silk suit and melt all the treads together? Tell me it's the picture and not incompetence. If you just butchered a decent suit cause some fools on the Internet told you it was wrinkly, well, I just don't know what to say.
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I'm sorryfor coming into this thread way late, but this the kinda stuff that I find rewarding to work a piece or two into my wardrobe if only for blowing my dads mind when I go home. I remeber showing him an acronym video and having him pull out his credit card and googling anything he could find.
This thread needs a comprehensive list of online and physical retainers who specialize In This sort of product. That MOVE jacked ordo posted on the first page is insane. I'd imagine it no linger accessible but if I could kop as a belated fathers day gift, I could ninja my dad the fuck out proper steez.
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If Toronto has one thing going against it, it's torontonians. Were so quick to hold ourselves to other metropolis standards that we neglect what makes us unique. The architecture and liquor laws are fucked and the urban planning is a nightmare but were still in the top 5 cultural epicenters of north America. I've tried living in Vancouver and it's not worth the trade off of nature/weather for a city that actually offers the amenities of a real urban center. Van is a small city disguised as a big city but you can have it clocked in 6 months and get real bored real quick. I'm convinced it's a better city to visit for a week than Toronto because they have an international business amenity structure that Toronto has somehow overlooked and the proximity to good alternative rural/nature destinations is admirable. I'll take kewlowna and whistler over niagara and Owen sound froma vacationers standpoint, but there's only ao much use of these places you'll get as a downtown resident in van. I've also lived in montreal Nd as much as I enjoy their euro-influenced urban structure and lifestyle, it's still a pretty closed community in terms of language barriers and lack of job opportunity. I word in food&beverage and I appreciate their finer standard for food and drink but it's a way more pay to play protocol than Toronto. The disparity between high and low culture there is really off-putting. Your either a euro douche baller or a nobody. There's an invisible middle ground that really takes too much effort to crack, especially if you're Anglo.
As far as NY goes. All torontonians have an inferiority complex but I think I've recently gotten old enough to think new York is just too complicated to make a permanent residence. I've been a handful of times and I still find it intimidating. Not exactly in the sense when I feel like I can't roll hard, but when I'm there, no matter what I'm doing, I feel like I'm missing out on something epic that's probably going on a block away. I loved it in my early twenties because it was a wide open carnival of options. But now that tastes are more concrete, I prefer a more manageable city.
Which brings me to San Fran. Not a day goes by that I don't want to pack up and move to the bay. I only spent a week there as an adult but I can tottally see myself enjoying a lifetime there. They have the same appreciation for food/music/art as NY with a way more approachable and clean aesthetic. Plus the proximity to napa puts it so far over the top. I imagine it could be as close as you could get to living in France without dealing with the French. That's a whole other story though. If i move again, it'll be to sf. Until I find reason to, Toronto is home simply because everywhere else I go, I miss it.
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Duel would connote two opponents. This bout needs don king to straighten shit up. Sandwich fail.
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i cant imagine that going well unless they really fucked up the structure of what a tv show should be
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OASIS: I'm in semi agreeance with you on the DFW fiction V non fiction tip. if some of his topic choices weren't so incredibly esoteric, he'd be the most addictive essayist I've ever read. I really liked oblivion in a way that was crushing, though. His short fiction chops are insane because he can take that scattershot narrative style and really work the fuck out of a comprehensive idea that his larger works kind of end up eluding. Maybe IJ just fucked me up from being such a wild and insane ride but I'm having trouble diving into the pale king with the same gusto. I thought his short stories were the ultimate forum to really present something complex and then simplify it all by really coming in through every angle and orifice and just writing it into the ground and then moving on with an entirely new quazaar in the next story.
While I'm on that rant, Ive come to like Amis' short story Selye more than his novel prose. It's another example of boiling an authors intellect down to a more digestible format. Both these guys can really find themes and recurring tones in some epically banal shot and it's much more succinct and effective in oblivion or heavy water.
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I'd be ther with you if I was around. Aes's new project (hail mary Mallon) looks pretty promising, I have a copy waiting to picked up tomorrow. Rob sonic is meh, but it's easier to digest if you don't watch the videos. Dudes a competent rapper but looking at him makes me feel like comic book guy jumped in the cipher. Beats are great though. I've seen Aesop two or three times and as long as he hasn't started smoking again, he should be pretty good. What's the haps on this Kimya Dawson shit? I'm not up on that.
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An ex girlfriend texted me to tell me she fucked the old spice guy and at first I was like ?????? But then I thought about and realized it's the best thing I've heard since my nephew learned to poo somewhere that's not his pants.
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I might dig out some late 90s freshjive jawnz and climb on stage and do the biz mark just to show that Pharcyde is forever.
If tre hits his notes on the 'flight of a new love, bay-bay...' outro of she said, everyone within a 20ft radius of me is getting pregnant. Including the dudes.
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Goat I will harmonize every lyric of Otha fish in you grill then punch it when the beat for ah shit kicks in. Stay away from me if Pharcyde rolls in with a full cast. I will mosh the fuck out of those longboard granola Kensington b boys and spit bacon fat on their vegan dread wax like quentin's on his way with a brand new day. In fact, if anyone wants to go through the crowd straight Ro-sham-boing every idiot in an urban outfitters licensed delicious vinyl t, I'll pay eveyones bail.
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K: I'm so glad that post put you up on Digable. honestly, they remIn one the most concise crews in history. It's like the native tongues meets nu yorican with enough brand Nubian to scare crackers away(the wrong kind of crackers, that is) which is the only weakness I'll pit against tribe. Maybe I'm just hella jaded cause when fools were bumpin DMX and I was preachin BR&L, I was gettin hated on by the cats who now claim tip as their GOAT. But whatever. Acessability is the downfall of slot of cats and I'm not so much mad as just over it.
Dest: please don't take any off hand comment I make as a statement against your taste or as myself taking a position of superiority. I just love bitching and geeking out aboutthis shit in a way that's entertaining to myself and hopefully you too. We probly listento alof of the same shit but if I sneak a cheap shot in it's all in jest.
I ain't a hater, I complain alot.
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Also,, listeing to vast aire in 2011 is like lighting a cigarette with flint stone.
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Id hate to validate the comparison by correcting it because it could never be dignified but the ha video is an education whereas gucci gucci kills braincells for the sake of killing braincells.
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Funny cuz my mom would be like "word!"
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if slimkid isnt with them, im punching booty brown in the kidneys.
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platinum instrumentals vol 1 & 2 are insanely good for cash money beats. they were way too inconsitent with the rhymes though.
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Free Digable planets/Pharcyde show at Dundas square June 19th.
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I just wrote an essay about tribe and my browser redirected me before I could post it.
Coles notes: there's something about their post-career-defining-era popularity that doesn't sit well with me. Given that I'm elitist as fuck about anything that happened in 1995, but I've come to love their music less from a combination of 1) fanboyism of tribe being used as a badge of honor for latecomer purists, and 2) that other crews whose output during that period was equal to tribes and didn't get them into the history books with th same zeal. I guess breaking up is a more bankable route than fizzling out. De la had a much more interesting career arc. Digable was more consistent. Tribes a favorite, but I kinda still fel like everyone just caught the vapors. And now I have to hear can I kick it at very corny kids party and act like we share some sort of common ground.
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I skipped nest in high school. I may have fucked up.
good hip hop
in superculture
Ya I listened through once. I wish it was an Aesop solo joint. Rob kinda gets tiresome after 25 minutes. His voice doesn't have the kookiness to pull off the style Aesop makes seem effortless. By no means am I saying the records wack, I've just been bumpin then new blu alot more and hav'nt gone back to Mallon. I also copped the Travis barker lp and I am not ashamed to say it's fucking awesome.