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Posts posted by NESK

  1. yeah I did, fake ghost knows what's up

    it seemed like the album was about these two dudes getting to the top of their field and turning around and wondering what happened to everyone else. it's lonely at the top concept. I think it got kinda muddled though, and this sasha frere-jones character seems to have gotten it right when she says they like each other too much to really push each other. plus someone fucked up and told swizz where they were recording and he snuck his ass in, so that didn't help

    sidebar: writer for the new yorker calls former drug dealer out of touch with the streets. o wrd sasha?

    are you talking about an nyt review of the album or something?

    i mgiht come in here and write an essay after a couple more listens.

    edit: i guess you mean a review in the new yorker (should have read more carefully).

  2. you missed the greatest movie ever last saturday....

    Explain please.

    Maude, me and Michelle will probably check out baldwins barmacie after dinner. But it's nap time for now. Who's the guy who works at u&i? He's on here right? Me and Michelle both thought we recognized him butcouldnt place it.

  3. Just finished the big payback over the weekend. I'd say it's one of the best pieces of hip hop journalism ever committed to text. Maybe less comprehensive than can't stop won't stop, but if you're a nerd for the industry as well as the music, it's so thorough it will fuck you up.

  4. Craggy range put out great NZ pinots from cooler micro climates that are really good for their price points. Oregon's got a cooler style that is interesting but I don't think they are distributed well outside of the pacific northwest.

  5. K: we need to get in touch with 40 acres and a mule and get on to consult for the script. im thinking sammy LJ as a crackhead brother guide-type character(in the pulp fiction wig, though). and rosie perez as the daughter, of course. maybe spike does a cameo as a bicycle shorts salesman.

  6. i met teh producers of the cosmopolis film the other day, they came into my work with pual giamatti, im pretty pumped to see that film realized even if i have to endure RPAT for it. i think white noise was my first delillo, but it may have been great jones street.

  7. i guess what i need to know before i bump it ahead of 10 other books is, is it one of those non-fiction works that takes insane liberties with narrative sturcture and ozmotes out into a million themes or is it more memoirish? im really adamently pursuing short format fiction/creative essays that blur into some sort of hybrid journalistic novel type deal right now. i was told this is where i need to start. t/f?

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