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Posts posted by flyordie

  1. I dug up an old sun600 a few weeks back; I wanna get film but it's kinda pricey and hard to find here.

    Where can I get them for a really cheap price online? I'll be buying like, 10 packs Thankzzzz

  2. 09032008001nq4.jpg

    Julian Red Lady Hoboken NY EVE

    Got my true size which is 28. They are pretty loose, could I have sized down?

    If I want a similar fit with Dark Dancers and Black Bullets, what size should I get? Thankzzzz!

  3. I want my hair to look like this


    but unfortunately, i have straight asian hair which totally lacks texture.

    how do i style my hair like that? i neeeed to know how to curl the ends and get my hair to have texture like in that picture. what products do i use and how do i go about using them? thanks!

    oh i noticed asians usually hate their straight hair while white boys yearn for the straight hair we asians have, preety funy

  4. April 77 Grey Colordrives size 28

    Discovered I can't fit nicely into them anymore ever since I got back into soccer, so I've decided to sell them.

    They are pretty well worn, but there are zero flaws. Gold print is faded and guitar pick is missing. Would rate them a 8/10.

    Pics up soon!

    US$80 shipped worldwide

    Cheap Monday 45min Stonewash 28/34

    These were disgustingly tight on me from the start.

    Only tried on around the house, without tags!

    Will fit a size 26 or 27 perfectttt.


    US$35 shipped worldwide

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