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Posts posted by flyordie

  1. How do you deal with a girlfriend's bitchass friends?

    The girl i've been with has a really fucked up good friend who loves bitching about me behind my back because 'I spend too much time with her', among other stupid reasons. This has been going on for a REALLY loooooooong time now but I've been totally quiet about it. All this until one day she openly insults me on her facebook page, and i actually hit back with harsher insults. All my girl said was something along the lines of 'dont talk about him like that pls' which was really pathetic.

    What's a real man to do?

    Should i have kept my mouth shut and taken the bitchassness?

    Should i have stood up for myself?

    Never been in a situation like this before, and my girlfriend is actually upset at me for retaliating.

    Am i wrong or right? help plz!!!!

  2. god dammit i fucking hate having to manage/deal with my hair, i fucking hate how stubborn my wavy hair is, i fucking hate waiting for it to be super long, i fucking hate how no one wants to give me a job because i look shaggy, i fucking hate the thought of products melting and streaming down my broken out forehead and into my eyes in this stupid ass seasonal heat, and i fucking hate trying to find different styles that dont fall into the blow-hard fashion cocksucker or the clueless average joe shmoe categories.

    i think i may just buzz it all off again before too long.

    jesus fuck yes i have wavy stubborn fucking hair and im trying to grow it long, i've been growing it for about 5 months and i just broke and cut it out because of how shitty it looks right now. its a real pain in the ass when u wanna grow your hair out.

  3. how often is this bitchyness happening? once a month? every 28 days to be precise?

    but seriously my advice would be to hold your ground a little longer and dont go crawling back to her

    nahhh its no pms, shit happens every other week.

    ive done that, she comes back apologetic yeah, but thats not a short term solution cause quarrels still come up its likea fucking cycle.

    i just want her to be a good little bitch, no quarrels at all.

    gilead: hahaha doubt that would work!

  4. hey i've been in a serious relationship with this chick for about 2~ months now and its pretty nice EXCEPT AT TIMES she just decides to be a bitch and we end up quarreling over small shit we disagree on and this leads to me getting no sex/love

    i need to show her who's boss, because being angry/losing my temper wont work on this chick! tbh never had a girl like this before, with my previous experiences ali had to do was be pissed and stop calling for a day or something like that before they'd come crawling back to me.


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