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Posts posted by shoegal

  1. Quote:

    just do a car service - they're all around the same price.. around $40 bucks.

    they're buses that go into the city too, but i still prefer a car service.

    i hate la guardia. i hate jfk too.. i just don't don't like flying really.

    --- Original message by stickykrylon on Oct 24, 2005 07:31 AM

    hahah i so agree. and then, i'm usually flying to LAX, so its one yucky airport to another. woooo.
  2. Quote:

    Would be great for a female though.

    Although i question a chick's taste if she likes Juicy...

    and the store sucks, the link doesn't even work

    Edited by DJ_Flame on Oct 23, 2005 at 04:11 PM

    --- Original message by DJ_Flame on Oct 23, 2005 04:10 PM

    please refer to my response to the trends we hate thread. hahaha
  3. it really, really depends on what you're looking for out of your "college experience." personally, i dont care much for football games or keggers or even being on a campus, because being surrounded only by students really seems boring to me. for me, college is more about preparing for a career, and i think that being in an urban environment and treating school as work will help me with that. i recommend visiting a few schools that offer degree programs and classes that youre interested in, in different settings (urban/suburban/rural) and seeing which feels most right for you.

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