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Posts posted by JesseJB

  1. Next weekend is going to be massive. One Night Stand at Neumos on Thursday, Broken Disco with Nortec Collective on Friday, and Emerald City Soul Club at Lo-Fi on Saturday. Rest up!

    Seenmy...when are you going to give me a list of music to download? Youre on a whole nother level.


    2 or 3 times a week. Freeweights mostly. Inclines are my favorite. 8 reps of with 50 lb dumbells, 8 more reps with 55 lb dumbells, 8 more with 60 lbs.

    Followed by declines with more weight but now my back hurts like a motherfucker every time I try. So I get mad and do pullups. Like 5. or 10...eventually.


  3. i heart seattle.

    jesse, did you go to the columbia tower bar? i hope you went to the restroom up there. the best ones in town!

    braidkid, have you been to georgetown? i am not a big fan of sodo either, but georgetown has nice little restaurants and bars, and great ambience. reminds me of old brooklyn for some reason,.

    Nooo I heard the Columbia Tower bar is ultra exclusive for some reason... But yeah I heard the toilets look out over the bay haha

    My apartment is right behind the US Bank tower wooo

  4. Me and Seemeugly and some other guy on here are going to the Baltic Room this Sat. night for some good times and music. Come on down.

  5. So I have a week off next week. Havent had a day off work on a weekday since I moved here a year ago. My goal is to see everything thats usually closed on the weekends. What should I do?!?! BOA tower is a given. Wheres a good breakfast joint downtown? Howbout an inexpensive French lunch without a reservation?

  6. Come to Earls for the Women of UW calendar signing tonight at 9. My brother's girl is on the cover! Thats almost like me having a hot girlfriend..but not. So I live vicariously through him.


  7. word, whats your job exactly?

    Im a doctor scheduler/receptionist at a big clinic. Those demanding welfare people will drive you insane. My job makes people cry.

  8. Getting good grades in high school, working like hell for 4 years to get through college, only to get a job where you basically just get shit on by the public who didnt finish high school and didnt go to college.

  9. yeah. burned down in 2001. any places like that in seattle now? cool, sexy crowd, live music, no cover, etc....


    i ask because i left when i was 17 and never came back to live. sometimes i visit but i don't know where to go. also, don't have many friends there anymore.

    Only place I can think of off the top of my head would be the Baltic Room. Never been inside. Always wanted to..

  10. yeah yeah laugh it up jmatsu!

    but when I have a craving for whatever Dicks has to offer me at that particular moment, Im glad to ingest it! Especially late at night after Ive been drinking. I'm much more likely to stray toward the greasiness that only Dicks can provide. Of course I have to pay for it though...

  11. There have been a thousand planned UW meetups that all fell through. Maybe we'll have better luck in this thread...

    Well as usual people are welcome to head over to my downtown place saturday night...usually a good time.

  12. how small are you? i'm like a regular-sized dude (big for superfuture) and the j.crew 'favorite shirts' fit me right at the shoulder and go straight down without clinging. they retail for $60, can get them on sale for $30-40. but if you're any smaller than me you might be out of luck as i already wear the smalls.

    I had 2 JCrew button ups for work and they both fell apart after 3 months.

  13. you are practically my neighbor.

    i can't do much for a week or two, but i'd join in for a fun seattle fiesta if the schedule works out :)

    wow! this city could become a lot less boring if we all start up some kind of superawesome meetups.

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