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Posts posted by eastcoastrider27

  1. Oh Shit!

    "Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus says the Red Sox, Pirates and Marlins have agreed to a three-team Manny Ramirez deal, pending Ramirez waiving his no-trade clause and league approval.

    Carroll, not normally one of our preferred sources, has the Red Sox getting Jason Bay and John Grabow; the Marlins acquiring Ramirez, cash and a prospect from the Red Sox and the Pirates picking up Jeremy Hermida, two prospects from the Marlins and one from Boston. "

  2. A 3 team deal between the Red Sox, Marlins, and Pirates seems like it would be beneficial to all.

    -The Red Sox get rid of Manny and get a very good (not Manny level) outfielder in Jason Bay, who as it happens is signed through 2009, which means they would have a LF for next season and could sign Holliday in the following offseason.

    -The Marlins get Manny who would help them considerably during their playoff race with the Phillies and Mets. Also, Manny's remaining salary would likely be picked up by the Sox.

    -The Pirates can dump Bay's salary and get a young, cheap outfielder with a lot of upside in Hermida.

    This 3 way deal seems pretty interesting and pretty likely. Still, I can't imagine the Red Sox without Manny's bat. He's one of the greatest right handed hitters of all time, but I think he's finally done in Boston. Not really sure what Manny wanted. The fans love him, he makes the most money on the team, the management and coaches excuse his behavior and at time lackadaisical effort. What more could you ask for? Oh, that's right a new 4 year/ $100 million contract. Get lost!

  3. Minaya can just overpay in the offseason.

    Yeah, but that doesn't really help him this year during a tight playoff race. Manny would make the team that gets him exponentially better.

  4. good points. spoken like a real fan.

    also will be surprised if marlins, out of any organization, will actually pay manny what manny wants. their entire roster only makes about as much as he makes.

    but you never know if something else happens right before the deadline?

    Well, the speculation is that the Red Sox would pay nearly all of Manny's salary even while he plays for the Marlins just so they can rid themselves of him. Also, the terms of the deal would require the Marlins not to excercise Manny's options so that he can become a free agent at the end of the year. They'd be free to offer Manny a contract just like any other team in the league, but unlikely to do so because of their small market status and historical spending patterns. Basically, the Marlins would pay Manny nearly nothing and would only have to give up a outfielder and a prospect or two in exchange for a couple months of Manny's bat. The Red Sox would be damn fools to do that trade. But if your a Marlins fan it looks really good! Especially considering they're in the playoff hunt.

    I wonder if the Sox are talking to the Marlins to spark the Mets to do a trade. Perhaps Minaya will try to block a trade to the Marlins, who at this point are certainly contenders in the NL East, by trading for Manny. I think the Sox would be more interested in what the Mets have to offer.

  5. sounds like manny talk is heating up.

    I really don't think the Red Sox will trade Manny, and here's why...

    Having Manny in your lineup, even with all the baggage that comes with him, makes your team better. He offers protection to Ortiz and is a pure hitter. The Red Sox will not get equal value for him if they trade him. Not to mention that the Sox will have to pay nearly all of the $7 million Manny is owed in order for a team to take him.

    Also, if Manny plays the rest of the season with the Sox and then becomes a free agent, the Red Sox get two sandwich picks after the first round. If they trade him now, they don't get those prospects.

    To summarize, the Sox options are:

    1) Trade Manny and $7m for an average replacement outfielder and a prospect or two.


    2) Keep Manny till the end of the season, let him walk. Sign (or trade for) a new left fielder, and get two compensatory draft picks.

    I know the Red Sox are miffed at Manny to say the least, but Theo's not dumb enough to trade him just to get him out of Boston.

  6. WOW.

    His best days are well behind him, but still.

    I can't believe they got Nady, Marte, and Rodriguez AND got rid of Farnsworth!

    Clearly money is no object to the Yankees, so it's only a couple mill more to get Rodriguez, and it's just a rental for the end of the season. Nice move by Cashman.

    I wonder if Theo will make a trade now. He's not the type of guy that makes a trade just to make a trade, but the Red Sox definitely have some issues to address if they want to compete with the Yankees and Rays.

  7. Lackey's throwing a no-hitter heading in to the ninth!

    (Hope I just jinxed him!)


    Dustin Pedroia channeling the ghost of Carl Everett with a base hit in the ninth to break up the no-no.

  8. Can someone recommend a good ball for me to play with?

    I played golf in high school every day, but haven't play in about 8 years (save maybe a round every now and then).

    I just got some clubs and plan on playing 1-2 times a week with some co-workers.

    I don't hit the ball very long, but I'm fairly accurate.

    Any ideas? Looking to spend about a dollar or so per ball (is that reasonable?? Too low??)

  9. i usually do okay as far as sizing when they carry shit in xs, if anything i have problems with the body length but that's the easiest tailoring job so i can live w/ it. these hoodies however fit (for me at least) so ace.

    in other news, i am doing a pickup run tomorrow for various things in the city, so if you needed anything from uniqlo or anywhere else PM me asapppp.

    Could you check if Uniqlo has any vintage chinos in stock? 34x34.

    I'm not sure if they're all done with them, but I'd appreciate it if you gave a look. Thanks.

  10. Angels trade Kotchman for Teixeira.

    Big move for the Angels for this season, but unless they win the WS or resign Teixeira it's not a great move.

    Kotchman is younger, and had some upside. He's a guy that'll give you a .280 avg, 20 HR, 80 RBI a season.

    Teixeira, unless they resign him, is in town for the final 2 months of the season and the playoffs.

    Reports said that the Braves offered Teixeira to the Red Sox for Youkilis and Hansen. Good no trade by Theo, IMO.

  11. Bay is signed through '09 too, it might be worth it to pick up Manny's 09 option then sign one of those guys for '10

    That's what I'm thinking will happen, but I don't know if Manny and the Sox management can handle another year.

    Who knows. This could all blow over by September.

    I really think Manny just needs to shut up and play. He's making $20 million a year. He's really slapping the management, coaches, teammates (sorry Youk!) and fans in the face with his antics.

  12. I'm totally flip-flopping on the Manny thing.

    If he continues to have a good second half, maybe the Sox will pick up his first option year, and then sign Holliday for 2010.

    This free agent crop doesn't really have a stand out outfielder to replace Manny.

    I also expect the Sox to let Crisp walk.

  13. some people claim you build credit faster if you intentionally make your payments late (thus paying interest) but this isn't surefire AFAIK so i don't bother.

    This would absolutely kill your credit score. There's a difference between not paying the full amount and paying late.

    Late payments are terrible for your score.

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