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Posts posted by dagsolo

  1. I realize that I may be the only one here excited about this,

    but I thought it was worth sharing the good news.

    They carry:

    Pulp Fiction tee

    Scarface tee & fleece jackets

    Heat (DeNiro) tee

    Reservoir Dogs tee

    Goodfellas tee (although I don't like it in yellow)

    Marlon Brando tee

    Iggy Pop tee and some others

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  2. Interesting subject...

    Maybe some overweight sneakerheads do it so you'll look at their feet instead of their gut.

    Also, maybe more sneakerheads could lose weight if BAPE (or whoever) made a RUNNING shoe.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  3. everyone relax.....they're dipping their toes in the deep end of the trend pool.

    All mass market retailers do it now and then. Until selvage hits in mid-tier, all of the SuperFuture SuperTrendSetters have nothing to worry about. We'll still be "in the know" and "cutting edge" and "anti-mainstream" and all that.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  4. 1. Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki (a way to think about money & making money)

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?


    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

    Edited by dagsolo on Nov 14, 2005 at 04:29 PM

  6. First: Did you see the horrible working conditions for yourself in order to form your opinion or did someone describe them to you? As far as the holocaust goes, there are numerous films depicting the events the occurred during the holocaust. If you saw the horrible working conditions in a documentary, please provide the name of the film, I would like to see it for myself.

    Second: Then she can continue to march around the office with her fist in the air and a pair of hemp sandals on.

    Third: WHERE IS YOUR INFORMATION COMING FROM? What are slave-wages? How much are they paid and how much does that wage add up to when considering the cost of living in that country or city? Just because Nike charges $100 and up for a sneaker doesn't mean that the worker should get half of it. That is the point of these companies moving their production to these areas...............

    Fourth..........to maximize profit. When did the multinationals claim to lower prices?

    Fifth: I am appalled that women are being forced to have abortions.

    Which sneaker company is doing that? I'll never wear those again. (10)

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  7. I'm curious: I had this conversation with a co-worker and she stated that there are factories ovreseas that have sub-human working conditions and other substantial problems or issues.

    My question to her was: Did you actually visit this factory and see with your own eyes what is going on there?

    Her answer, of course, was no but she said it's commonly known. By who?, I asked. Who has gone there?

    Where is this information coming from? Credible sources or someone with an axe to grind against that company?

    I suggested that if she's so concerned, why not take a leave of absence from work and go to the factory and attempt to liberate the workers from their oppressors or stage a work-stoppage. I also suggested that she ask those workers if they wish to be liberated or wish to stop working.

    A side effect that may occur is that instead of improving working conditions the company may close down that factory and move production to another facility, thereby leaving the local workforce unemployed. Then what?

    Shit, if you compare some work places in NY with others I'm sure you can characterize some as "less that desirable". Ever work in an office where people use spray-mount right at there desk? Ever work in an office where it "suggested" that you stay late? I mean really late, "to make a deadline" they say. But it's not a suggestion. It's an implied threat gainst your job if you don't stay. I don't get overtime. My salary may declare me rich in China, but nowhere near rich because I live in NY. Asian workers are always looked at as working for "pennies a day", but how much does that work out to as far as their actual cost of living?

    Those are harsh conditions, but I don't want a human-rights advocate coming to my office and closing shit down or boycotting my product.

    That's just my 200 cents.

    I'd like to hear what you all have to say.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  8. You may read a newspaper from time to time, but I doubt you pay attention.

    If you paid attention when you read my post, I said: Tell him what you like and what you don't like.

    I never said don't hurt his feelings.

    How do you know his tees are poorly printed?

    Do you own one? Have you seen one and felt it with your hands?

    Have something to say with relevance and qualify it.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  9. Quote:

    He's right Sheeple,

    Supreme stuff is only cool if you know them and get it at cost. Same goes for most "urban" designers. That shit has an expiration date. Only a dodo wastes tons of cash on clothes like that when there are goldmines out there for dirt cheap on consignment.

    Why not work on the body & mind first? Ever notice what a big designer's wearing? Maybe 30 year old jeans and an inside out tee shirt.

    I think it's better to have a handfull of nice garments that you take care of and wear to death than paying out the ass to be some meathead's billboard. Don't people realize that even Supreme consider there rich clients to be a bunch of idiots?

    --- Original message by Nate Lyons on Nov 11, 2005 01:53 PM

    I disagree with your comment that even Supreme people consider their rich clients to be idiots.

    They provide goods and their clients pay. While it may be expensive to us, to rich clients it is not.

    When the market bears it, people will charge it. That's how it works.

    BTW,give those brands credit, how many times has Old Navy as compared to Supreme been mentioned here?

    The get people to talk about the goods, which sparks curiosity, which creates interest, which may lead to sales.

    Pretty smart.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  10. Quote:
    Quote: Be aware that your getting shit from people who probably DON'T have their own line out there.

    Why do people repeatedly drag out this weak fucking excuse for not taking criticism? I've never been director of FEMA, but it was still possible for me to criticize Michael Brown for being an incompetent fuckup.

    --- Original message by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Nov 11, 2005 09:16 AM

    Taking criticism? is that what outright bashing is being called these days?

    Criticism and critiquing are different.

    Do you walk into a store, see a shirt you don't like, call the designer or store owner and tell him it sucks?

    No. You simply walk by and don't purchase that shirt.

    It's easy to say "wack" and "that sucks" and "played out" from behind a keyboard.

    I doubt the reponse would be the same if you were speaking with the guy.

    Critique the stuff, tell him what you like and what you don't like, be specific.

    Be constructive. People are here to learn and grow.

    He's not responding by saying "fuck you, what do you know".

    BTW, do you have any idea what it takes to respond to a national emergency?

    What qualifies you to tell Michael Brown he's incompetent?

    Please educate me on the ins and outs of response time, fund allocation, security measures, and providing quality health care and first aid in devasted areas.

    I'd love to learn and grow. Shit, I may even agree with you.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

  11. Quote:

    Actually, DannyHomeGrown

    I am not going to pass judgement until i've seen the gear in real life.

    In fact, i'm not going to hate on it, like most other people have done. I say its good you guys are getting off your arse and have a product.

    Good effort.

    --- Original message by johninger on Nov 10, 2005 10:42 PM

    AMEN to that!

    Danny, "Pay no attention to the hater behind the curtain."

    You deserve all the credit in the world for your efforts.

    I salute you.

    Be aware that your getting shit from people who probably DON'T have their own line out there.

    (You don't see BobbyHundreds criticizing your line or bashing your ideas.)

    Successful people critique, others criticize.

    Take your dream and your vision and don't look back.

    Best of luck to you.

    BTW, Your site must be getting a ton of hits because I can't get on it.

    Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

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