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Posts posted by werdtoyourmoms

  1. i'm in this book club, and everything people pick out i'm not into at all: 1. the echo maker by richard powers (pretty wack) and 2. the road by cormack mccarthy (not really hooking me in)

    there are too many classics to read before looking at anything hardcover you know? plus hardcovers are like $20! fuck that

    my recommendation - nothing hardcover

  2. That c**t tee is poor, really poor. And people thought neckface ones were bad?

    I can just imagine some Japanese kid asking his mate "What is cunt?" with the reply "i don't know" following.


    the first batch of tees they put out in those magazines are usually wack. they can't show everything right away.

  3. they always post the wackest tees at first. most of this is just whatever.

    i might just have to jack the idea for the detroit hat and just do it at lids, i don't like all those shitty logos all over the back of the supreme one. but that's kinda "toy" right? playskool?

  4. the l'aventurine book also has the typeface (or rather, the skeleton of the typeface) used on the ojas shirts with the skull in the middle of the crossbar of the A.

    that version of the alphabets book was what i found after a very quick google search. That dafont typeface someone posted looks like what you want, but obviously the logo of the store was worked a little bit.

  5. i'm not sure if this thread counts as "being up on graff"

    personally, i think this is the corniest thread in like, the last 6 months.

    A grip of people nowadays are bringing graffiti into a different direction. Personally I think graffiti should stay on the street. There are some people who throw graf in art galleries, graphic design, and clothing. One person that does this that would be a very good example would be GREY PVC. Sometimes I think it's wrong because its not where its suppose to be but an argument against that would be if you're good at something why would it be such a bad thing to make money off of it?

    dude, are you kidding? this is the same stupid ass "dilemma" that's been going on for the last 20 years, and it's tired! graphic design with graffiti is a fucking joke.

  6. Oh, Detroit is notorious for it's high-quality MDMA. I don't know if you're into that kind of thing, but if you are I suggest you pick some up to take back with you. Up intill I moved I had a consistent flow of Orange Mercedes' beans which are said to have high levels of LSD in them so much that it's not even ecstasy anymore, it like some kind of sick hybrid drug or something... Don't know if they're out of the loop now though... Definitely worth a shot.

    dude, get lost

  7. every Canadian indie band since Broken Social Scene is just trying to replicate "You Forgot It In People"... I don't know why they even bother trying. This includes all successive Broken Social Scene efforts.

    the newest (self titled) broken social scene album is good though. i gave it like, a 3 month break and came back... so good.

    the new panda bear album, wow.

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