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Posts posted by gunpwdr

  1. I'm guessing if a woman wants dry jeans, it's for the dry look - not the broken in 6+ months down the road look. I thought a pair of one-wash (pretty much dry) Earnest Sewns looked pretty good so I steered my wife to them and it turned out she really liked the dark, dry look, so she got them. At the same time, I don't think it's hard to find the appeal of the dry look when there's such a glut of the pre-distressed jeans on the market.

    She definitely makes fun of me for obsessing over my RRDS though... like she'll act like she's going to spill shit on me or she'll ask me to feed my son when I have them on.

  2. Any forum is an open forum to spout off. That doesn't mean that the forum members are going to agree with you... or that you won't piss off a moderator (maybe not on this lax board).

    What's annoying is the fact that you're singling out people for engaging in sharing information in a "gay" manner, when you yourself are looking for validation from others who would take the same narrow-minded view as you.

    If you're looking for boards to pass judgement in the same manner that you have thus far, then this probably isn't the place for you. If your sole purpose is to troll this board and get a reaction, then mission accomplished. The next question is... is that all you're going to do going forward or do you actually give a shit about the type of clothes people talk about here? If you are interested, then "biting off" on others is probably not the right approach on this board, or any other board really.

    Maybe you were looking for a board to talk about trucker hats and Von Dutch jeans.

  3. Denim jackets rock. Wearing them with jeans, regardless of shade, is totally fine. I can remember a time when I'd look at French kids in matching jackets and jeans with their student backpacks on and cringe... but that's not the look I rock when I have my jacket and jeans on.

    I still endure the occasional "Texas Tuxedo" joke from my co-worker when I have the two on together... but he's from Canada... so what does he know?

    I'm waiting for an Atelier Ladurance Royal jacket... which I have every intention of wearing with my Nudie RRDS. Maybe I'll revive this thread with some pics when it shows up.

  4. I don't know that RRDS actually fit big, as much as the waist will stretch one size. I am normally a 31" in virtually everything and wear a 30" in RRDS. It was frigging tight at first... but now it's the perfect size... but the rest is snug-ish.

  5. I'm not sure what people mean by "re-attaching the original hem"... if that just means re-applying the same stitching with the same color thread. As long as the tailor alters them to the right length and the hem looks like an approximation of the original (from the outside), then I don't see how one can ask for more.

    I've got a pair of RRDS that I'm cuffing for the time being because they're a 34" inseam and I'm normally a 31.5". Logic being that they do shrink up to 3% after a wash, so the last thing I want to end up with is a pair of RRDS capri pants after the wash. I'm going to get them hemmed and not cuff them after that wash, although the cuffed looked has grown on me - prior to getting these, I hadn't cuffed my jeans since the early 90's... when I did so out of necessity (skating + baggy pants = cuff)... but the cuffed look is one I can certainly dig.

    You could always not hem or cuff them and let them bunch at your feet like all the Dior Homme wearers... although the dry denim won't sit the same way the treated Diors do.

  6. Want to dig this thread up to clear up a couple of things. Any input is appreciated.

    With STF denim, is this the ideal strategy?

    1. Buy in the correct size (size it will shrink to, i.e. I am a 31, so I buy a jean labeled 31 but fits like a 33 off the bat).

    2. Soak the jeans in cold water to minimize indigo loss and invoke some (a lot of?) shrinkage to the right size (31" or thereabouts).

    3. Wear the jeans for an extended period of time to subject the jeans to natural wear. Dry cleaning and febreeze are two methods for maintaing a certain level of hygiene, without shrinking the jeans or causing indigo loss.

    4. When deemed "ready", put the jeans through a normal warm/hot (40/60 celsius) wash (inside out of course) and hang dry (or wring out and wear damp).

    Also, can anyone list a few of the "elite" Japanese brands that are STF as opposed to Sanforized? Elite being Studio D'artisan, Eternal, Warehouse, Denime, Samurai, etc. Or is there a list somewhere that details the various cuts and denim types of the much coveted Japanese brands?

  7. No real offense taken from the mangina comments ;) Just had to clarify that I don't like a nut wedgy. I have an awesome son and have plans to have more children...

    Adsurgo, I wear them on average, 5 days a week and pretty much have them on all day/evening on weekends. I have them on at work today as a matter of fact. <looking down> No camel toe there :)

    I have a pair of Svenskas on order... so I'll have to figure out how to get them into the rotation and keep my RRDS going when the Svenskas show up.

  8. That's my crotch you guys are ogling.

    I'm not sure where the camel toe is... since I don't really pull them up that high... at least not like that guy on mynudies.com. There *is* a whisker that runs vertical when my legs are closer together. Plus, if there was camel toe, you'd see the two split... never mind. You guys can do without that image in your minds.

    I like the Imperials... though I agree they look like the RRDS. The pictures on their site gives it a different color cast... though lighting probably plays into it a lot.

    Here are my RRDS at 2 months for those that are interested:



  9. If it helps any, Orlando Bloom wears them. I was flipping through an August People magazine and he had a pair of dry RR on.

    Seriously though... I doubt Nudies will go out of style. Their whole lineup has a style for everyone and they don't do anything gimmicky. Their volume isn't that high (yet) and their price point is high enough that they're not that accessible for everyone in the US. Now if I can only get a pair of black RR.

  10. Just about everyone feels a need to classify, categorize, and/or label. Whether it's people, clothing, culture, race, etc... it's human nature to do so. What you do after you've categorized is a whole different story. Recognizing is one thing... acting on it is another. Personally I think that people that get too hung up on labels (Evisu or sheep) are lacking in confidence. Use this forum to find out where to get something you like - not whether or not what you like is cool in the eyes of your peers or not. Cool starts with yourself and you project it on others... not the other way around.

  11. Tatami isn't all that comfortable. That's pretty much why every Japanese house has sandals for you to wear when you've taken your regular shoes off. It looks good though.

    Me personally, I like hardwood for everything. Black hardwood, dark walnut, hickory even. It adds up quickly though.

    If you're looking for a change, carpet tiles are a pretty accessible way of mixing things up. Check out Inteface Flor (www.interfaceflor.com) for some examples. I'm doing a lot of this in my new house... along with hardwood and berber carpeting. You can always move the tiles around to change the pattern/colors up. Coincidentally, my wife and I have talked about doing a tea room replete with tatami and shoji.

    Dunno if this helps...

  12. Yeah... RR dry selvage. Also, those are 30x34... and were the closest in terms of fit in the store at the time, so I semi-begrudgingly bought them... thinking a 31x32 would be a better fit.

    Jeans overall are perfect now, though I'll likely get them hemmed after the first wash. The only downside is I'm only 1 month into the process. Some of the stuff I've seen on Nudie's site and mynudies.com is pretty sick.

    Anyone have any experience with the dry olas? I haven't found any good pictures online. I've heard one should go a size up from RR.

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