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Posts posted by powerglov


    dontcare I think you've had enough.

    I'd like to hear your biography or something, see some pics. You are 'intriguing.' Like what's going on .. did you spend your first 15 years locked in the basement playing video games and then one day you decided you wanted to be 'in the know.'

    So now you're locked on the computer 24/7 trying to figure out what all the 'right' opinions are? If you keep this up, your personality and opinion forming skills are going to be so fucked up that whatever you were trying to accomplish in the first place will be impossible.

    I'm not trying to hate, but do yourself a favor and just get out there and live. Discover what you like, and what's good on your own. Fuck the trends, and fuck being anti-trendy. From the heart: find yourself, stop trying to be someone your not, you'll be so much better off.

  2. I'm very interested in an Acronym jacket for this coming fall/winter. I'm hoping someone could provide me with some additional information as far as their catalog and their sizing/where to purchase.

    Is this so called 'pre-order' over or ...?

    There's not really too much to see on The-Glade at the moment.

  3. If anyone can get their hands on some of these jeans and ship them to Canada, I would be very happy!

    I'm not sure how the sizing on these are, but in general I wear between 30 and 32 tagged waist.

  4. I've experienced the tam-tams in the park.. it really is something else.

    Montreal is an incredible city, just love it everytime, but I have also had a little trouble finding the chill spots among all the trash

    Sblande.. that was a fucking amazing post! Many thanks!

    I'm actually planning on visiting this weekend, with shopping in the plan, so if you would't mind providing a little more insight into what's good as far as shops.. or anything else.. I'd be grateful.

  5. So I've been seriously lacking on my reading game recently, besides the required reading for educational purposes, and magazines/internet crap.

    I'm putting it out there for all of you to point me in the direction of some good reads. Something inspirational perhaps.

    Anything goes!

  6. I'll start this off by saying that matching appears, more often than not, extremely tacky. For the most part, it just looks like you are trying too hard. Or wearing a uniform (not in a good way).

    Match the shoes to the belt . icon_smile_wink.gif

  7. Quote:

    to be genuinely content and not have to buy new jeans/sneakers/t-shirts/hoodies/skateboards/dvds/toys/posters/groceries every 19 minutes.

    --- Original message by boystory on Jul 14, 2005 05:25 PM

    why is it so hard. damn.

    For me all it takes is the will power to realize that nothing beats a fresh white t-shirt, a pair of well worn-in jeans, and some good kicks.

    Edited by powerglov on Jul 14, 2005 at 05:38 PM

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