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Shorty Long

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Posts posted by Shorty Long

  1. I've noticed a few posts around here discuss the quality of indigo, or lack of quality in the new jeans, especially Levi's. So...is there a difference in the indigo used in standard (today's Red Tab) rigid 501s and that which is used in the rigid LVC jeans, or is the difference solely in the construction of the actual jeans?


  2. Quote:

    if it applies to food, cotton isn't much of a difference...


    give credit to human ingenuity and science...if we grow everything organically, there's no way to feed the world's population as it exists today.

    --- Original message by darknworn on Aug 19, 2005 11:13 PM

    i totally agree with what was said in the bbc article...'organic' is a term that has been watered down...especially with the FDA guidelines that came out a few years ago...in effect, it provided national standards that standardized the definition of 'organic' and allowed the multinationals to more easily tap into the growing market for 'enviro-friendly' foods.

    however, from what i understand, our so-called 'ingenuity and science' constantly provides a global surplus of food (have you seen all the overweight people populating the earth?), but that food just isn't distributed very evenly.

    i feel that the bottom line is, most companies don't want to invest the time and money into truly using methods of growning and producing environmentally-sound goods because, in the long run, it doesn't matter to most people...which in most ways, i agree...at the end of the day, most people want to have the 'luxury' to spend $0.99 on a burger and $2.00 on a six-pack of undershirts

    i, on the other hand, would be all for spending a bit more, having less, and be assured of a certain quality.

  3. Quote:

    i went to atrium NYC this afternoon, didnt see any LVC at all. i asked one of the employees about it, lo and behold he directed me to levi's premium. god i wonder what the hell got him the job... on another note, i saw some nice dry and one-wash lee half selvage...

    --- Original message by hahnstch on Aug 19, 2005 03:47 PM

    if you're looking specifically for lvc, i'd say your best bet would be either the levi store in soho or barney's uptown...i called both yesterday and neither had the fall collection yet
  4. got my rigid '44s yesterday...they're pretty impressive.

    the front pockets are made with 'scrap' fabric instead of normal twill, just like they were during wartime.

    definitely nicer than the ones done a couple years ago

  5. what's your opinion on the Lee jeans reproductions coming out of Japan? They seem to be of very good quality (better than LVC?), and aeroleather speaks pretty highly of them.

    anyone here have any experience with them?

  6. i can't help you with comparisons to apc, but I can tell you that I was informed about a month ago by an employee that Selvedge was closing shop on Aug. 5th

    try the levi store in soho, but i don't think they have the fall collection yet so they may be a bit low on stock right now

  7. I picked up a package of white Jockey t-shirts today...combed cotton, Made in USA, with blind stitching both at the sleeves and the bottom hem.

    The plastic package certainly looked old...70s maybe?

    Anyone have any idea as to when basic undershirts like these ceased being produced in this fashion?

  8. Quote:

    alright, we've got:

    1879 501's that are a very washed out light blue with patches at the knees

    a "1930's" 501 that have a very minimal wash and a tan leather flap at the right rear pocket

    1930's "menlo" beige leather jacket with patch pockets on the front

    1975 557 Trucker with heavy creases on the sleeves

    1933 501's heavy creasing

    1940's plaid washable wool shirt

    1930's deadstock trouser

    1947 501's in a dirty wash, small holes at knees and right front pocket, heavily worn knees and thighs

    1930's Lenox Lounge graphic tee

    1967 606 (tapered) Jean similar wash as '47's but no holes

    1971 646 (flared) deadstock jean

    1971 646 very washed out light blue

    and the best for last

    1947 501's deadstock

    --- Original message by purest on Aug 5, 2005 05:37 PM

    I was just told by Levi that the 1940s plaid wool shirt and the 1930s lenox lounge tee would not be available...bummer.

    Why the hell do they come up with a collection, print the items in the booklet and then don't even make 3 or 4 pieces available?

    It always seems to be the things I want as well...I guess that's why I sound so bitter.

  9. Quote:
    Quote: 1930's deadstock trouser

    Are these going to be similar to the Euro Levi's K1 trousers?

    --- Original message by darknworn on Aug 5, 2005 07:36 PM

    i'm not familiar with the "k1's" but these didn't look like chinos...they look to be a dark color as well...i'm anxious for details on this one as well
  10. Anyone have any experience with the sweatshop free clothing from such websites as justiceclothing.com or


    Just curious about fit/quality.

    PS...I'm already familiar with american apparel

    Edited by Shorty Long on Aug 5, 2005 at 09:17 AM

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