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Posts posted by 1M

  1. He's not saying it's nothing new. But reguardless of how long it's been going on it's still annoying.

    well you know what I mean. We all know about these resellers, it's mad old to keep talkin on the subject.

    It pisses me off also that they buy out the whole stock and sell out on items you want. But, dudes need to eat right?

  2. was at the l.a. store a little after noon today. the only person in the store besides me was a japanese guy who was buying over a thousand dollar's worth of tees and bags to resell, and a kid with his girlfriend who thought i worked there because he asked if we still had any mork and mindys.

    bought a box crewneck, parka and tee and a couple of those stupid-ass keychains for friends. was my first time inside a supreme store -- guys there were fairly nice and helpful.

    (15 minutes later saw that same japanese guy buying a crapload of stuff at undftd.)

    why do you guys always gotta bring up the "Asian" resellers at these stores? Everyone knows that's what their hustles about. We see them all the time, it's nothing new.

  3. well i am not a bape fan but bape came to tw and seriously the brand is kind of infamous, i wouldn't have hoped supreme is that way.

    hey but it's just my own feelings, let alone my opinion to this issue,

    is it likely to happen?

    i mean how can there be so much rumor when there's no official announcement

    like last time they opened in harajuku?

    besides, if supreme would give their dealership to TW, i thought HK or europe would have long ago gotten it

    also u think about, supreme have given japan the dealership b/c they have their own street culture, and skate culture.

    you take a look at tw....i really see nothing like that existing

    so just trying to ask, if anyone has heard anything about it

    i am not trying to say supreme opening here is bad, sure it's a good thing if i can buy stuff cheap (i spend like 2k every season buying shit from ebay like every release) but i mean i wouldn't want to see a brand with such an image gets fucked up by a not-so-good-street-culture based place

    if you ever travel asia alot, you would know hype is much worse here

    and i don't respect hype that much, but i mean again it's my own opinion...right

    please confirm for me, i am a big fan just like any of you guys

    A store in TW won't be happening anytime soon. But somethin else is happenin

  4. stussy workers were maaaad chill and helpful. my bro sent me a text message asking for some specific item. they went in the back brought out 3 colors in medium. those guys and the one girl giving me some mean eyefucks were straight

    you wildin' fam....it's the same type of people at stussy.

  5. no, the tall white guy w/ a big brown beard who straight up looks like a bum. while i was in the shop, jebbia rolled through for a few mins and the bum was kissiing his ass like there was no tomorrow... "oh james. do you want a bike chain?" "no" "oh, that makes sense , you probably don't have to lock up your bike, james!". then he turns around and tries to act hard. what a clown ass pansy motherfucker.

    funny story about the black dude on the right though (who's also a complete tool). the big fat guy who's usually the "bouncer" for big drops was standing out in the cold, and the black dude walked out, saying he was going to grab some coffee. big guy asked him to pick up an extra cup, and the black dude actually asked him for money upfront, 3 dollars nonetheless. he wouldn't spot his own coworker who was waiting in the cold all day 2 bucks for a fucking cup of coffee. it was one of the scummiest things i'd ever witnessed.

    HAH! I'm not surprised of these kids..

    the stussy workers are just like supreme cats.

  6. a bunch of these were hangin up outside of a busy workshop, so wanted to grab one but some dude sellin his paintings was blocking the way.

    them posters are plastered all over the Soho area..just walk around and you'll see em

  7. These were released last year right? I saw them in a local skateshop in nyc. They had the authentics in white and black. I thought these sold out pretty fast, can it be fakes in the shop? Was wtap vans sold in all skateshops? They sell legit nike sbs and other stuff in the shop though.

    well they even had them in common sizes at Supreme last week. what skateshop did you see it at?

  8. Big tees look okay on me, so I can do Supreme medium tee shirts, but since they cut big anyway their sweatshirts and flannels look really dumb on my body if I size up from a small. :o

    what? i thought they were cut a bit small if anything..

    at least for the last release they were

  9. nah he`s English and I`ve always thought thats where Supreme gets its taste from. NY Street cred combined with English good taste = Supreme.

    to see what I mean about taste look at 90% of the waywt pics posted here primarily by Americans and then go look at 90% of whats posted on fuk.co.uk. UK heads usually have the edge imo.

    don't forget the NYC designers that are doing all the designs.

  10. Can someone explain to me how Supreme became so popular in Asia? Is it because it was considered the essence of 'american streetwear'? Or have the Supremes in Japan been open longer than i thought?

    I think it's something that goes back to the mid 90's. When there was an actual "exclusive" gear scene where there was exchanges between Tokyo and downtown NYC. This is when you would see Stash walkin the streets and people will be askin wtf is he rockin!? Japanese kids were on Supreme way before it "blew up" here.

  11. i'm a sophmore in design school in nyc.

    sometimes i feel great pressure to be going out there and getting my name out there, interning all sorts of places, and just working hard,

    but other times I think, I'm still young, still kind of cocky sometimes, and I should just sit back and relax.

    i guess it never hurts to do stuff,

    but can anyone share any personal experience or offer any advice?

    I'm into clothing and stuff, but I don't know what I want to do with my life.

    may i ask what school you're in?

    i'm sorta in the same situation. but i should be more serious since I'm now a junior. I am somewhat networking but I'm still not fully reaching out..

    I'm definitely going to be getting up and going out in the next 2 months though.

  12. passed by earlier today...

    for those interested in the p&b's, they only had the plain toes in nut brown and coronado brown. nothing really above a 10.5...they had a good handful of 10s, 10.5 though in both.

    desert boots left were only the sand and the dark brown, again, mostly 10s, 9s..a few 10.5.

    clothing was pretty bad...lots of track jackets, the cereal box tees, couple malcolm tees. pastrami tees.

    lots of bullet hats, scarves. menace II society hats. white, grey, black box caps...bunch of other so-so hats

    few hoodies here and there...didn't really look at them.

    thats about all i can recall...just went for the p&bs mainly...sorry its not more thorough!

    what hoodies did you see? i didnt see any..sold out huh?

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