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Posts posted by 1M

  1. A long time ago (middle school), I had the displeasure of finding out who H.O.T. were. No offense, but I hope there is better.

    HAHA it's still the same situation in the Korean music industry.

  2. i just saw city of violence. i thought it was good. i do not know the korean name. if this is totally old or lame then feel free to name drop a shitty/japanese film in one of the various jap thread (free immunity to ridicule or neg rep).

    anyway was city of violence considered cool by koreans?

    ninki attayo..

  3. Exactly. And I hate how nobody fuckin smiles or greets you when you come into their store, but maybe thats just NYC in general. Especially bad in snotty streetwear boutiques though. Some of those guys take shit way too seriously too.

    I'm movin back to Oregon, peace.

    HAHAHA i do NOT wanna see the cats at supreme greeting people with a full shine smile, that'll be awkward. you're right, this is NY. with all this corny shit happening downtown, the people that define NY are still here. :)

  4. Did anyone else get charged the 8.375% sales tax?

    I thought NYC got rid of the 4.375% city tax on clothing and shoes.

    on hats and accesories, they charge tax.

    on shirts, pants, shoes, they're tax free.

  5. Quickly getting back to the kind of people who deserve the evil stare; while waiting for the L train one time, I saw this guy (http://velospace.org/node/2984) carry his bike down to the subway! I was angry, there was nothing visibly wrong with his bike, and really doubt there was, the train took like half an hour to get there that day too, he could have been where he needed to be in half...

    the L train explains enough :D

  6. is it true that flushing has da bezt koreanz f00d?

    yes cuz Flushing isn't just one block like 32nd. Korean restaurants, bars, stores, punks, fried chicken joints, etc. stretch down for miles down Northern Blvd....Koreans are all spread throughout Flushing into Bayside into Little Neck and..wherever

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