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Posts posted by aitsuka

  1. the way he did it from the news it read "very calm, silent but serious" that just brings chill up my spine, man was possessed.

    also, I am curious why do US call foreigners residents aliens?

  2. i've never understood what kind of stuff airsoft players actually carry in all that gear. aside from soda and potato chips.

    yeah I wonder too. usually they carry a camelback molle system, lots of mags, a flashlight (which is no use cause we're playing in broad daylight) and one of those red light thingies, but other than that I really don't get why they take so much stuff, and most of them are fat too, guess its a jenny craig/or atkins diet thing they have to do...

    nice, hi chew poster, lol those stuff rock.

  3. I know alot of my airsoft buddies use molle systems on their everything. chest rigs, backpacks, gear, etc. I remember the molle system backpacks cost about $200, but you could basically put your life in it, water packs, gear galore, its gets inmense...

  4. its my final two weeks of my education career. I am completely stoked I don't have to go to class and listen to 50-60 year old egocentric losers talk about market analyst, cluster bullshit and fake product launches. BUT, i'm also concerned of whether my next job would be running around making 5 cups of coffee for lazy marketing managers and photocopy their child pornography all day. I want to get in to fashion marketing/design/anything with the keywords marketing and fashion but I have no clue in fashion except for the mindless surfing on this forum looking at denim, fashion collections, trends and you people. any advice for a future product of society's educational program noob?

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