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Posts posted by aitsuka

  1. distell area sounds good, haven't gone to lileo for a while

    I am in for it, make it official or some mofos are just gonna bash this idea again and we're gonna be discussing a possible toronto meetup until we're like 50.

  2. what should I do?

    heres what I've done so far

    1. listen to my mp3

    2. walked around the office looking at other people

    3. sat in the washroom for half and hour taking a nap

    4. played with the elevator

    heres what I can't do

    1. play games (IT people tracking my computer)

    2. look at porn sites

    3. talk on the phone

    4. watch tv

    heres what I want to do

    1. jack off in my cubicle

    2. send horny messages to my co-workers

    3. do some pyro shit in the office

    4. go to the rooftop and throw stuff down on the street

    5. while yelling and screaming at traffice below

    6. just leave

  3. someone post a offical meet time, place and maybe a list of whos in this thang? I'm too lazy and incompentent to do it

    how do I get to this place by subway btw

    exit off college?

  4. I'm down with show's idea

    that grunge park place or soemthing with the food and shit

    we should hook up for like grub instead of standing around on queen street gaying each other up about clothing cause frankly, I won't be wearing any.

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