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Posts posted by Blanc0

  1. Quote: I've never seen a black jean that has the level of distinct distressing that is possible from indigo denim. For some reason, it seems that the blue/white contrast becomse more apparent than the black/grey.

    You're never gonna get the same fading, because black jeans only contain black dyes, not indigo, and black will never fade/react like indigo. You'd have to have a really dark blue/black indigo in order to achieve that look.

  2. Quote: overdone. saw a pair in LOEHMANS in LA almost a year ago for 30 bucks. at least know how to control your distribution if youre trying to come out hard. can somebody say AKADEMIKS?

    Uh, Yeah, they ARE Akademiks, everyone knows this already.....

    Who said they were trying to come out hard?

    There's LOTS of higher-end stuff at Loehman's, that's why it exists: Maharishi, Neil Barrett, Barney's, etc...they don't just buy from clothing companies alone, they also buy backstocks from department stores.

    You wanna see overdone, try True Religion, A&F, Hollister, Edun, the list goes on.

    Edited by Blanc0 on Sep 27, 2005 at 02:02 AM

  3. Matt, you should've given me some loot, I was just in HK last week (now in Cambodia), and Take5 had a BUNCH...They're really nice, but I wasn't in the mood to buy ANY denim, I'm fucking sick of looking at denim at the moment, it's been consuming my life (and still is right now) for about the last 3 months...they even had your size (the "do they make these in men's?" size), haha....

  4. Quote: from what ive heard, the designer was involved with military design or something, so could'nt one just get the same exact material for ass-cheap in army surplus, basically the design is the only innovative part of it?

    NO. Errolson has done some military contracts, but doesn't use the same materials at all. Last time I checked, the military has never used Epic fabric or Gore-tex/wool/cashmere fabric, and the patternmaking on his part is much different.

  5. Denim Doctors in LA have been repairing denim for YEARS...mostly vintage stuff that is threadbare...A&F's threadbare stuff is too much, IMO, but I don't hate some minor blowouts (i.e.Prps). People pay so much for distressed jeans, so they don't need to wear them for 5 years to get that effect. And the women that spend so much repairing their already expensive jeans, well they do that to make them more "individual" looking.

    Edited by Blanc0 on Sep 25, 2005 at 09:52 PM

  6. I think that prps is doing some of the best finishing in the biz right now, and it's my job to research denim finishing. They are pretty much the only ones doing black FINISHED denim good right now (and it's VERY hard to finish black denim and have it turnout looking good). Plus they are dong some GREAT non-denim finishing.

    BTW, they don't do rigid, but they do a one-wash rinse product.

  7. I own 4 ACR jackets, all different styles (1 EPIC fabric (waterproof cotton technology), 1 ripstop goretex, 1 non-ripstop gore-tex, 1 cashmere/gore-tex), and 2 pairs of Epic cargos (and 1 3rd arm bag). My favorite outerwear that I have ever owned. Yes, they are all shells, and yes they are fucking incredible! I only paid retail for one of them, but they are all worth the price, IMO. Errolson is a BRILLIANT designer, and the product is SOOO quality. Production is probably going on right now, delivery is due sometime in October. Since the quantities produced are so limited, they had a pre-order for their accounts earlier in the year (April?), and all accounts had to put down cake up front, so that they could get the production done (again, because of limited quantities, and the technology put into each piece is pretty advanced).

    I'll definitely be picking up more stuff this season (probably a new bag, a pair of pants, and hopefully a new jacket). Definitely not for the short in pocket!

    Last X-mas, I went to Minnesota to visit the in-laws, and it was -10 below, the GT-J6 treated me well as an outer layer. And yes, none are filled, all are shells.

    Edited by Blanc0 on Sep 25, 2005 at 08:05 PM

  8. I bought a pair last September (green screenprinted arcuate) @ the AlifexLevis store and they were $185...they're starting to look pretty good, haven't washed 'em yet, but then again I don't wear them ALL the time, but when I do, I'll wear them for like 5 days in a row....I should probably cultivate them a little more.

    I doubt that there are enough stock left to distribute them to other stores than their own, but then again, I don't think that they sold a shitload of pairs @ the old concept store, and that's why they have some left (or maybe they held some back). I'll bet that there are a BUNCH of the garment dyed pairs around though (they made denim w/ 5 different colored arcuates, and then also 5 different garment dyed colors, too). The fit is WWII 501XX fit...

  9. Silas has been pretty consistent for a good 3-4 years now, The cut n' sew is a bit hit and miss, there's always 3-4 good tees per season, though (esp. the metal/psuedo-satan stuff).

    PAM....meh, not really feelin' it.

    Surrender: I think that James is exploiting Futura just a little too much, glad to see it changing up some, I'd like to get my hands on a pair of the black denims, though....

  10. yeah the black w/white midsole is much nicer than the camo ones (I'm all about black these days)....did we go to that spot?

    BTW, Phnom Penh is damn HOT and HUMID here!!!! Nicest hotel I think I've ever stayed in though...and CHEAP (80 bucks US?!)...

    Edited by Blanc0 on Sep 24, 2005 at 09:51 PM

  11. DAMN, Gary, I would've picked those up!!! Did you get them at that spot with the big shoebox outside? I just read (well, not really read, but saw) and article in Milk Magazine about that spot....are there more of those around?

  12. well, then you need to be a little more specific, ALL fabric has selvedge....it could be uneven fills that could cause uneven tension in the weaving process or uneven lengths of the fill which when sanforized could cause the weft to shrink unevenly....that's a pretty weird question to be asking on SF though, if you bought the fabric, you should refer to the mill, if you have a loom, you DEFINITELY should know the answer already...it would still have to do with tension though.

    Edited by Blanc0 on Sep 23, 2005 at 04:54 AM

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